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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95028
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    Title: 主管教導行為對員工正向情緒表達與失態行為之影響:魅力領導行為與不當對待領導行為之干擾效果
    Authors: 邱小芸
    Contributors: 蔡維奇
    Keywords: 主管教導行為
    supervisory guidance
    charismatic leadership
    abusive supervision
    employee affective displays
    breaking character
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 14:42:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去研究發現,組織所制訂之情緒表達規則對於員工在服務顧客時所表現的情緒表達行為有正面的影響,然而,情緒表達規則究竟是透過何種管道傳遞給員工,目前文獻尚未提供明確的答案;且傳遞方式的不同是否會增強或削弱組織規範對員工行為的影響力,也是過去文獻所忽略的部分。本研究以主管的教導行為作為主要變項,探討其是否會影響員工在服務顧客時,所展現之正向情緒表達與失態行為;同時,本研究亦探討主管平時與員工互動時所展現的魅力領導行為與不當對待領導行為,是否會干擾主管教導行為與員工情緒表達之間的關係。
    Although previous studies have found that organizations’ display rules have positive impacts on employee affective displays in the service industry, the issue of how these emotional display rules be conveyed to employees remains relatively unexplored so far; and it is also been neglected as to whether the way of conveying display rules can influence the effects of organizational norm on employee positive affective displays. Therefore, this study examined whether supervisory guidance can affect employee positive affective displays and breaking character. In addition, this study examined whether charismatic leadership and abusive supervision performed by supervisors will moderate the relationships between supervisory guidance and employee affective displays.
    Data were collected from 360 front desk clerks in 101 hotels in Taiwan. Results showed that supervisory guidance had a positive impact on employee positive affective displays. In addition, this study found that high level of charismatic leadership behaviors strengthened the positive relationship between supervisory guidance and employee positive displays.
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