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Title: | 企業領導人特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之相關性--長期歷史觀點研究 The relationship between the leader`s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality: A historical viewpoint |
Authors: | 劉吉傑 |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 劉吉傑 |
Keywords: | 領導人個性 企業文化 品牌個性 內容分析法 Corporate Leader Personality Corporate Culture Brand Personality Content Analysis |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:42:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去對影響品牌個性因素的探討已相當完備,但卻少有從組織領導人個性及組織文化的角度來探討其對品牌個性的影響。企業文化是影響組織成員價值觀與決策的重要因素,因此成員塑造品牌個性時可能受到企業文化的影響;此外過去對品牌個性的衡量多以量表得知消費者的感受,僅能進行橫斷面研究,但透過廣告可據以進行長期縱斷面的分析得知品牌個性的發展脈絡,且廣告是傳遞品牌個性的重要媒介,因此本研究從廣告的角度切入來衡量品牌個性,再探討領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性之關聯。 本研究採用內容分析法,針對國內四家企業:義美、金車、大同與巨大,縱括自1967至2008年的212篇,關於企業領導人個性與企業文化的報紙與雜誌報導進行研究,從中分析企業領導人個性與企業文化;此外對509則企業的電視與平面廣告進行分析,資料橫跨1981至2009年,分析廣告中的品牌個性,最後觀察各變數的趨勢變化輔以過去相關文獻支持,探討變數間可能之關聯性,結果發現如下: 1. 四位企業領導人之個性,均以「嚴謹性」為最突出,其他特質彼此有差異。 2. 四家企業文化所重視的價值觀差異: (1) 企業文化的「社會責任」及「表現績效」與公司的國際化程度有關 (2) 企業文化的「卓越創新」及「甘苦與共」與公司的創立年代有關 3. 四家企業的品牌個性,多集中於「有能力」、「真誠」與「興奮」,少出現在「雅緻」、「粗獷」與「平和」三個構面。 4. 領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性,部分具有關聯性: (1) 領導人個性的「正直誠信」、企業文化的「正直誠信」與品牌個性的「真誠」有正向關係。 (2) 領導人個性的「開放性學習」、企業文化的「卓越創新」與品牌個性的「興奮」有正向關係。 (3) 領導人個性的「可信度」、企業文化的「科學求真」,與品牌個性的「有能力」有正向關係。 (4) 領導人個性的「權力需求」與企業文化的「團隊精神」有負向關係。 Although a considerable amount of research discussed the factors affecting brand personality, there was limited research that focused on how a corporate leader’s personality and corporate culture affects brand personality. Corporate culture significantly influences employee values and decision-making. Likewise, brand personality may also be strongly influenced by corporate culture. In the past, most studies utilized consumer questionnaires to measure brand personality, but such a method only retrieves data at the present moment. Nevertheless, brand personality data may be acquired through analyzing the historical development of advertisements, which is a key media communication tool. Hence, this study investigates advertisements to measure brand personality and discusses the relationship between a corporate leader`s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality. The chosen method of study is content analysis and the data sources are composed of 212 newspaper and magazine articles from the year 1967 to 2008 about corporate leadership personality and corporate culture. Four companies including I-MEI Food Co., King Car Food Industrial Co., Tatung Co., and Giant Bicycle Inc. were selected for study. In addition, the study also collected 509 related advertisements of these four companies ranging from 1981 to 2009. Through observing variable trends and referencing previous supporting research, this study attempts to find the relationship between these variables. The research results are listed below: 1. The most outstanding personality among the four chosen corporate leaders is “conscientiousness”, however, other attributes differ amongst them. 2. There is difference of corporate culture among these four companies: (1) There is a strong relationship between a corporate culture’s “social responsibility” dimension, “performance-orientation” dimension, and the company’s degree of internationalization. (2) There is a relationship between the corporate culture’s “excellence & innovation” dimension, “cohesiveness” dimension, and the year in which the company was founded. 3. The four companies’ brand personalities tend to focus more on “competence”, “sincerity”, and “excitement” dimensions and less on “sophistication”, “ruggedness”, and “peacefulness” dimensions. 4. There is relationship between the corporate leader’s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality. (1) There is a positive relationship between the “personal integrity” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “integrity” dimension of corporate culture, and “sincerity” dimension of brand personality. (2) There is a positive relationship between the “openness to experience” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “excellence & innovation” dimension of corporate culture, and “excitement” dimension of brand personality. (3) There is a positive relationship between the “dependability” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “scientific proof” dimension of corporate culture, and “competence” dimension of brand personality. (4) There is a negative relationship between the “need for power” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality and “teamwork spirit” dimension of corporate culture. |
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