題名: | 台灣家具平面廣告之符號消費研究 The Symbolic Consumption of Furniture Print Advertisements in Taiwan |
作者: | 林怡均 Lin, Yi-Chun |
貢獻者: | 孫秀蕙 Sun, Shirley 林怡均 Lin, Yi-Chun |
關鍵詞: | 家具平面廣告 圖像符號學 廣告符號學 符號消費 furniture print advertisements pictorial semiotics semiotics of advertising symbolic consumption |
日期: | 2010 |
上傳時間: | 2016-05-09 14:40:58 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 現代消費社會籠罩在濃厚的符號性消費氛圍之下,「家具」也從純功能性的物件轉變為符號價值高的象徵性消費商品。本研究以Roland Barthes的圖像符號理論為基礎,試圖分析台灣的家具平面廣告,探究這些廣告的符號運作原則,以及隱含於家具消費背後的社會文化價值。從居家設計雜誌《ARCH雅砌》與《室內interior》中選取二十三則家具廣告,並依據廣告的主題與文本特性分為五個類別,進行深入分析。本研究發現,家具平面廣告的圖像訊息常依循「堆疊引申」與「二元對立」兩種意義建構過程,自然化物件的並置,堆砌出各種符號指涉系統;此外,在家具廣告中,文字訊息能同時對圖像訊息產生預設意義與情境意義的功能,但多對圖像進行「預設意義」的作用。本研究進一步發現,多數的家具廣告未建構出一個「家庭」的氛圍,而僅是搭築一個富含指涉意義的家具展示空間,利用這個空間極力強調西方文化的優越性,而西化的氛圍指涉了高級的生活型態。最後,研究結果顯示,在家具消費的領域中,社會階層、品味與文化資本皆影響了消費者行為,驗證了Baudrillard與Bourdieu等學者的符號消費理論。 Modern society operates behind a shroud of symbolic consumption. Home furniture consumption, as an example, has been altered from purely functional to highly symbolic. Based on Roland Barthes’ pictorial semiotic theory, this paper attempts to analyze the print advertisements of furniture in Taiwan in order to clarify the signifying process of these furniture print ads and the socio-cultural values embedded in the Taiwan’s furniture consumption. Twenty-three print ads selected from popular design magazines, Arch and interior, are categorized into five groups according to their thematic and textual characteristics. The research finds that the iconic messages of these print ads are mostly in the pattern of “refrain” and “binary-opposition” utilizing “naturalization of objects” to construct symbolic meanings. Furthermore, the meaning of iconic message is frequently restrained by the linguistic message in terms of “anchorage,” although both “anchorage” and “relay” may both function in the print ad simultaneously. Most of the furniture advertisements didn’t construct a “home” atmosphere, but only a space to display furniture products and build rich referential meaning. The superiority of western culture is strongly emphasized; westernized ambience signifies the high-class life style. Finally, the research results indicate that in the case of furniture purchase, consumer behavior involves social class, taste, and cultural capital, which confirm Baudrillard’s and Bourdieu’s theories of symbolic consumption. |
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廣告文本出處 《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 01;《ARCH雅砌》,2008. 03;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 04;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 05;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 06;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 09;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 10;《ARCH雅砌》,2008, 12;《室內interior》,2008, 01;《室內interior》,2008, 07;《室內interior》,2008, 08;《室內interior》,2008, 09; 《室內interior》,2008, 10。 |
描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣告學系 96452003 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096452003 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [廣告學系] 學位論文