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Title: | 電腦輔助英語歌曲聽力學習任務之研究 A Study of Computer-Assisted Song Listening Tasks for EFL Students |
Authors: | 陳慧珠 Chen, Hui-chu |
Contributors: | 林伯英 殷允美 Lin, Po-ying Yin, Yuen-mei 陳慧珠 Chen, Hui-chu |
Keywords: | 電腦輔助聽力學習 任務型聽力學習 英語歌曲教學運用 Computer-Assisted L2 Listening Task-Based L2 Listening Use of Songs for L2 Instruction |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:39:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文為一教學實驗之研究,探討如何運用以電腦科技為媒介設計創新的學習環境,激勵台灣技專院校英語低成就學生之學習動機,增進其英語聽力能力。本研究以英語歌曲作為提升學習興趣的動源,電腦輔助學習任務為提供好玩有趣學習過程的憑藉;如此,學生可由愉悅聽歌、趣味活動中實作學習並達成學習任務目標。本論文並探索英語歌曲聽力電腦輔助學習任務對學生聽力字彙與知覺能力之影響,並了解學生對教學設計之歌曲聽力學習任務之評估。由學生在全民英檢聽力、英語母音知覺測驗、及歌曲單字聽力各方面的成績進步,顯示本實驗教學能有效改善低成就學生英語字彙與聽力學。根據相關與變異數分析結果,對學習任務評估越滿意的學生英語歌曲單字聽力成績進步越大。因此,本研究所設計之英語歌曲聽力學習任務能激發學生運用電腦與相關軟體學習編輯聲音影片,來了解英語 聲音與意義的連結、訓練養成辨識斷句的知覺聽力。此教學設計融入聽力教學、任務型學習、電腦輔助學習;且以設計研究方法觀點記錄理論基礎探討、教學資源運用、英語聽力課程中歌曲時間排練及歌曲切割之投影片簡報、歌曲對嘴表演影片製作學習任務之設計執行,提供其他英語教師作為電腦輔助聽力學習活動設計之參考。 This study is an instructional experiment on how an innovative learning environment is constructed to motivate and improve English learning of the low-achievers at Taiwanese polytechnic colleges. Thus, this research employs English popular songs as a motivator and computer-assisted task design as a mediator for the students to do listening and play with the song materials. This instructional design provides these students with concrete task experiential learning and the pursuit for goal-oriented success, along with joyful song listening and playful task activities. This research also investigates the effects of these song listening tasks on the improvement of listening vocabulary and perceptual skills of the participants as well as their appraisals toward the designed tasks: time-rehearsing, segmenting, and lip-syncing. The effects of these song listening tasks are consolidated from the participants’ improved listening test scores from the elementary GEPT Listening Test, the Perception of Spoken English Test, and the Target Lexical Listening Test, their enhanced learning motivation and involved task performance, and their affirmed appraisals about their task fondness and the task usefulness. Furthermore, this study documents the design, implementation, and evaluation of such a song listening task-based syllabus in a digital language lab, which demonstrates an integration of second language (L2) listening instruction, task-based learning and teaching (TBLT), and computer assisted language learning (CALL). The design-based research (DBR) perspectives are also adopted to explain the role of the computer-mediated context to the innovative task construction; in addition, the task features which facilitate listening skills development and stimulate learning experience are identified by the appraisal components of song fondness and easiness, task playfulness and easiness, and task usefulness. Thus, the designed listening tasks can be shared and applied to other similar learning contexts. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 91551506 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0915515061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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