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Title: | 九年一貫國民中學英語教科書口說練習活動之分析研究 An Evaluation of Speaking Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum |
Authors: | 黃思潔 Huang, Szu-chieh |
Contributors: | 葉潔宇 Yeh, Chieh-yue 黃思潔 Huang, Szu-chieh |
Keywords: | 九年一貫 口說活動 英語教科書 the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum speaking activities English textbooks |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:39:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 教科書為老師及學生在課堂中學習英語的一個主要依據,所以教科書的內容和活動設計都會直接影響教學過程的進行方式和學生的學習狀況。本論文針對現行國民中學英語教科書中的口說活動進行探討,比較其中兩家出版社所出版的英語教科書如何設計口說活動及相關練習。本論文將教科書中的口說練習活動分別依照(1)活動類型、(2)溝通前之練習(pre-communicative activities)/溝通式活動(communicative activities)及(3)溝通程度(communicativeness)作分析,然後進一步去討論該活動設計是否符合九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述的方向準則。
根據資料分析結果,兩套教科書所採用的活動類型與進行方式相當類似,且集中在發音、句型練習、對話三種活動類型;所採用的口說活動類型中,以「在溝通前之練習」為主,「溝通式活動」則是相對少了很多;在溝通程度的分佈上,也都是以Category 4 (new information being transferred)和Category 6 (no information being processed)為主要。整體而言,此兩套教科書的活動設計不夠符合溝通式教學法的精神,在口說練習活動的設計上,雖然提供學生開口練習的機會,可惜份量不多,並且常缺乏語境,仍偏重傳統結構式的教學法,藉由反覆練習讓學生熟記文法句型。此與九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述之相關口說能力的準則相比較,仍有值得思考再進一步改善的空間。 In the language classroom, textbooks are the primary resources which teachers and students rely on, so the content and the activity design would have direct influence on how the teaching/learning process proceeding. The present study analyzes speaking activities in two sets of English textbooks, trying to evaluate how they design the speaking activities and what similarities and differences are found between these two sets. These speaking activities are investigated from the perspectives of activity types, pre-communicative and communicative activities, and communicativeness, and then are discussed and evaluated based on the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines.
According to the results, it is found that both two sets of textbooks apply similar types of speaking activities, where pronunciation, drills, and dialogue are used most. Moreover, most of these activities are pre-communicative and fall into Category 4 (new information being transferred) and Category 6 (no information being processed). Overall, the design of speaking activities is not communicative enough. Although both sets try to provide more opportunities for students’ verbal practice, the proportion is not high, and meaningful contexts are usually ignored. Furthermore, the structural method is emphasized, using repetition and memorization as main techniques for language teaching and learning. Finally, with regard to the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines, it seems that activities in the textbooks are not closely in compliance with the guidelines for the large proportion of less communicative activities. Also, definitions of each guideline are not precise or clear enough, and this situation results in influences on how textbook writers realize and interpret these guidelines, and how they design the activities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 95551015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095551015 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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