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Title: | 重塑勞動女性:詹姆斯、艾倫與理察森小說中的身體與公共空間 Refiguring the working woman: body and public space in Henry James, Grant Allen, and Dorothy Richardson |
Authors: | 葉雅茹 Yeh, Ya Ju |
Contributors: | 陳音頤 葉雅茹 Yeh,Ya Ju |
Keywords: | 身體 公共空間 勞動女性 詹姆斯 艾倫 理察森 body public space working woman Henry James Grant Allen Dorothy Richardson |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:39:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以女性主義學者葛洛茲的身體理論為主軸,旨在探索詹姆斯、艾倫及理察森三位作家作品中的勞動女性,如何挪用新興的都市公共空間,形塑及展現個人獨特的身體能動性。十九世紀晚期的倫敦市景最顯著的改變莫過於如雨後春筍般四處林立的公共空間,例如藝廊、俱樂部、餐廳、茶室、百貨公司等等,因此女性進入各種公共空間的機會或頻率皆日趨增加。除了以消費活動為主的中上階級女性之外,愈來愈多的女性進入都市公共空間的原因是來自於工作謀生,以期在都市中獨立生活。這些勞動女性,相異於中上階級女性,並無經濟優勢亦無階級優勢,他們的身體往往面對性別與階級雙重社會論述的宰制與規範,然而在此雙重論述力量之下,經由勞動女性的舉動表現,反而愈見身體原有的抵抗、挪用、操演等種種潛力,使我們得以觀察省思身體如何運作與適應外在空間。以葛洛茲的身體概念為中心,本論文嘗試提問如下:首先,探究當代社會論述力量如何介入女性身體的形成?其次,都市公共空間的特質如何與此身體相互作用?而這些女性身體又如何在此空間中發展其能動性?本論文分為三章:第一章分析詹姆斯《卡薩瑪斯瑪公主》中女店員的展示身體;第二章發掘艾倫《打字機女孩》中女職員的勞動身體;第三章討論理察森《歷程》中勞動女性的進食身體經驗。經由檢視這些勞動女性身體和都市公共空間的積極互動關係,本論文認為,縱使勞動女性的身體,雖然總是受到性別與階級等社會意識型態所銘刻或支配,她們的身體仍舊存在著「既有」的主體性,在流動變幻的都市公共空間特質中,展現了與眾不同的能動性。 This dissertation aims to explore how working women take advantage of urban public space and develop specific bodily experiences in Henry James, Grant Allen, and Dorothy Richardson’s novels. The booming public spaces of fin-de-siècle London, including galleries, clubs, restaurants, teashops, and department stores—all served as new spaces which gave urban women to access a public life. Working women, who entered those public places for employment, directly encountered the conventional masculine codes and discourses with regard to the real difficulties of independent lives in the city. However, their social and economic disadvantage, at a more profound level, reflects the complex social reality and bodily experiences as well as reinforces volatile urban space where working women are involved and perceived. This complicity and volatility is, in fact, characteristic of the late Victorian working heroine’s new participation in the labor market. Centering Grosz’s concept, this study is structured into three chapters: the first chapter analyzes the displaying body and the department store in Henry James’s The Princess Casamassima; the second chapter deals with the laboring body and the office in Grant Allen’ The Type-Writer Girl; the third chapter discusses the consuming body and the dining places in Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage. By asserting a positive relationship between the body and the public space from the feminist perspective, this study proposes that, while social discourses, mostly permeated with dominant oppressive powers and ideologies, give strict constraints to the working women, their bodies still acquire certain agencies to transform public places into a place for their ways of experience and appropriation. |
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