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    Title: 2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係?
    The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?
    Authors: 吳宗翰
    Wu, Tsung Han
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei Bo
    Wu, Tsung Han
    Keywords: 同盟理論
    the alliance theory
    balance of threat
    human rights
    military cooperation
    the United States
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 13:29:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 冷戰時期,蘇哈托所統治的印尼雖然標榜著不結盟運動,試圖在東西兩強的夾擊下另闢蹊徑。但是在同樣反對共產主義的主張下,印尼在這段時期,和美國建立起了相當友好的關係,包括軍事和經濟上的援助。在一個近年來已解密的文件中更顯示,福特總統以及季辛吉更曾經和蘇哈托有過正式及非正式的接觸,被認為是美國希望以對印尼軍政府的支持,換取其在反共同盟上的支持。
    本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。
    During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism.
    In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems.
    The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia.
    The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis.
    Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.
    Reference: A. Chinese language literature

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    法茲科拉夫(Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr.)、度格提(James E. Dougherty)。《國際關係理論導讀》(Contending Thedries of International Relatirns),胡祖慶譯。台北:五南,民國82年。
    威廉.柯恩(William Cohen)。〈美國東亞暨太平洋地區安全戰略報告〉,收錄《亞太安全譯文彙輯》,史編局譯。台北:國防部史編局,民國88年7月。
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    美國白宮 http://www.whitehouse.gov/
    美國國務院 http://www.state.gov/
    美國國會圖書館 http://www.loc.gov/
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    Congressional Research Service Reports http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/index.html
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095253019
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