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4. Известия вузов архитектор,
5. Московский метрополитен,
6. Высотные здания Москвы,
7. На асфальте: Идеальный дом,
8. Архитектура России,
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1. Introduction to Russian Culture,
2. Stalinist architecture,
3. Stalinist architecture,
4. Stalinist architecture,
5. The Architecture of Moscow from the 1930s to the early 1950s,
6. Stalinist Architecture by Alexei Tarkhanov, Sergei Kavtaradze,
7. Gothic Stalinist Soviet Skyscrapers,
8. Architecture in Russia,
9. Peter Blake on soviet architecture,
10. Masterpieces of Soviet architecture: An endangered heritage,
11. Socialist realism,
12. What is Socialist Realism?
13. Stalinism: Its Origins & Future,
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1. 蘇聯建築:
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