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    Title: 蒙特梭利語文教育與全語言教育對幼兒閱讀能力影響之探究
    The Comparison of literacy of young children who attended montessori or whole language education program
    Authors: 張筱瑩
    Chang, Hsiao Ying
    Contributors: 簡楚瑛
    Chang, Hsiao Ying
    Keywords: 蒙特梭利語文教育
    Montessori education program
    Whole Language education program
    phonological awareness
    word recognition
    reading comprehension
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 13:29:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的在於比較蒙特梭利語文教育與全語言教育對不同年齡幼兒閱讀能力影響之差異。研究對象為接受蒙特梭利教育與全語言教育的中班與大班學前幼兒。研究者選取兩所位於台北市且實施蒙特梭利與全語言教育之幼稚園,依照這些受試者的年齡、家庭社經地位、在園時間、入園時間及畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗分數等條件後,進行配對選取,最後選取的總受試幼兒共58名。本研究中之幼兒閱讀能力指幼兒聲韻覺識能力、認字量與閱讀理解能力。研究工具在聲韻覺識測驗上採用侯淑柔、林佩蓉(2007)所編製之聲韻覺識測驗中之得分,認字與閱讀理解力採用楊怡婷(1995)改編之故事及自編之理解能力測驗,幼兒閱讀能力之資料皆至幼稚園對幼兒施測而得。
    The purpose of this study was to compare the literacy of young children who
    attended Montessori or Whole Language education program. Their literacy which includes word recognition, reading comprehension, and phonological awareness. The sample (n=58) consisted of the pre-kindergarten (age 4-5, n=26) and kindergarten (age 5-6, n=32). Schools were selected base on grossly similar school profiles on Taipei city. To control and match age, socioeconomic status (SES), the score of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised of the children whose attended different programs.
    Results of the study showed significant difference on “age” and “education program” : The children in the kindergarten whose literacy was better than the children in the pre- kindergarten;the children attended Montessori education program whose literacy was better than the children attended Whole Language education program. Significant different on “phonological awareness” : The children in the kindergarten of the Montessori education program whose phonological awareness was higher than the children in the pre- kindergarten of the Whole Language education program, but no significant difference on “word recognition” and “reading comprehension”. The children in the pre-kindergarten between Montessori education program and Whole Language education program showed no significant difference on “word recognition” and “reading comprehension” and “phonological awareness”.
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