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    Title: 閱讀、對話與遊戲:國小綜合活動課程美學之探究
    Authors: 陳麗文
    Chen, Li Wen
    Contributors: 馮朝霖

    Chen, Li Wen
    Keywords: 綜合活動學習領域
    integrate activity learning area
    curriculum aesthetics
    narrative research
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 13:28:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 九年一貫課程「將傳統學科統整為七大學習領域」,在知識結構方面的改變,對教師的影響甚大;其中,尤以「綜合活動學習領域」的實施,最令基層教師感到困擾。研究者多年來擔任師資培育中心的教學研究發現,現行九年一貫課程「綜合活動學習領域」的實施,存在著許多問題。綜合課程強調「統整課程」及「合科教學」的部分,期能透過「綜合活動學習領域」的設置及活動過程的體驗與反思,將傳統的分科課程,統整為相互關聯的領域,並且落實學生生活能力的陶養。其若以「美學/哲學的課程取向」論述,教師可依循課程綱要,自主的規劃教學活動,學校也可採取彈性課程的方式,由生活經驗出發,讓學童探索真實生活中的經驗,學習對事物做深入的體驗、判斷與理解意義;因此,如何促使「生活中美感」與「體驗活動」產生聯結,落實學童生活能力的陶養,便成為「綜合活動課程實踐」的關鍵因素。
    Integrating the traditional disciplines into seven main learning areas according to Grade 1-9 Curriculum has imposed great impact on both knowledge structures and the instructors; especially the practice of Integrative Activities Learning really troubles the grass-roots teachers. Base on years of experience as an instructor in Teacher Education Center, I’ve found that the current implementation of Integrative Activities Learning is not easy to be executed in reality. The purpose of Integrative Activities Learning is to emphasize on integrated curriculum and all teaching aspect, and through the participation in the planned activities, students are in the mean time trained to have good life skills. When focusing on Aesthetics/Philosophy Course Orientation, not only the teachers can follow the curriculum guidelines to set the pace of the appropriate teaching plans, the schools can also adopt flexible curriculum; this will be a good way to guide the students in learning, exploring and experiencing daily events. Moreover, through the practice of Integrative Activities, students can learn to link their daily experiences with beauty of life, thus, they’re trained to own life skills.

    This abstract uses narrative analysis as the mean to proceed the evaluation on the effectiveness of practicing Integrative Activities Learning in elementary schools. To study the result of stressing on story reading, dialogue sharing and doing waver game – a curriculum for attaining story understanding, dialogue forming and gaming experience. This research found the following points.

    1.Through the concept of narrative analysis and self-attribution to realize the possible ways of implementing Integrative Activities Learning in elementary schools. Teachers can guide students to learn to appreciate beauty and moral values in the process of reading, sharing dialogues and thoughts with others and further more, developing good life skills.

    2.Through the concept of curriculum practice and teaching narrative to find the possible ways of practicing aesthetics curriculum in schools. Teachers can interact with students by sharing with one another about what their thoughts are in watching, listening and feeling from doing group activities. Through experimenting, reading and imagination brainstorming, Integrative Activities Learning can be a great tool to create a fun and productive learning experience for both teachers and students.

    3.Through the concept of curriculum aesthetics and interpretation of critical to determine the possible ways of teacher/student interaction on beauty. Teachers and students can interact through studying myths, stories and dreams; by taking the initiative to learn and share inner thoughts with others, students can cultivate an overall life experience and gain the awakening and awareness through calculated curriculum learning.

    4.Through the concept of curriculum narrative and language flow to find the connection between beauty of life and experience activities. Teachers can show the students the possibilities of languages usages, discuss the life themes of this living world with students and help them to examine, question and clarify the seems unchanged social facts and find the core value of their own through participating in the course.
    第一章 緒 論
    第一節 研究背景 ………………………………………………………………1
    第二節 研究動機與目的 ………………………………………………………6

    第二章 文獻探討
    第一節 國小綜合活動課程的實施……………………………………………8
    第二節 綜合活動課程美學的可能性 ………………………………………19

    第三章 研究方法
    第一節 敘事分析的方法 ……………………………………………………30
    第二節 研究架構與歷程 ……………………………………………………38

    第四章 研究過程及資料分析
    第一節 綜合活動的教學實踐 ………………………………………………66
    第二節 對話遊戲的體驗學習 ………………………………………………88
    第三節 閱讀對話的故事模式 ……………………………………………122
    第四節 對話遊戲的想像文本………………………………………………142
    第五節 閱讀對話的詩性智慧………………………………………………193
    第六節 綜合活動的課程內涵 ……………………………………………206

    第五章 研究結果與討論
    第一節 賦權增能的心靈解放 ……………………………………………220
    第二節 重新理解的意義建構 ……………………………………………257
    第三節 轉化學習的行動能量 ……………………………………………290
    第四節 創造熱情的積極意向 ……………………………………………332

    第六章 結 論
    第一節 教育本質上是一種美學的實踐 ………………………………380
    第二節 「教師敘事/自我歸因」的課程詮釋 …………………………385
    第三節 「觀看/閱讀生活世界」課程美學之實踐………………………386
    第四節 「師生交感於美學視野」的互動途徑 ………………………387
    第五節 「生活中美感」與「體驗活動」之聯結途徑 …………………388
    第六節 閱讀詮釋、對話視域與遊戲體驗的課程美學 ………………389

    圖七:體驗學習的迴圈過程 …… …………………………………………51
    圖四十一:閱讀詮釋、對話視域與遊戲體驗的課程美學 ………………389
    圖四十二:對話視域的體驗學習 …………………………………………390
    圖四十三:閱讀詮釋的故事模式 …………………………………………396
    圖四十四:閱讀對話的想像文本 …………………………………………401
    圖四十五:遊戲體驗的詩性智慧 …………………………………………407
    表一:綜合活動階段的能力指標 ……………………………………………12
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