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    Title: 國際石油問題之研究──經濟面分析
    The Economic Analysis of International Petroleum Problems
    Authors: 莊淑容
    Chuang, Shu Jung
    Contributors: 黃仁德
    Chuang, Shu Jung
    Keywords: 戰備儲油
    strategic petroleum reserve
    petroleum security
    alternative energy
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 13:27:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   石油在20世紀不僅取代煤碳成為全球主要燃料,且是全球重要的工業原料,廣泛的影響全世界經濟活動,成為各國經濟發展最為依賴的資源。但是石油為不可再生的能源,全球分布又極不平均,世界各國為控制或爭取石油資源,長期以來不僅造成國際政治緊張情勢,影響國際外交局勢與國家發展,更凸顯石油問題的重要性。2003年以來國際油價雖持續上揚,但全球經濟成長仍然強勁,顯示其所造成的衝擊尚不若過去兩次石油危機時期嚴重,但由於全球短時間內無法擺脫對石油的依賴,且影響國際油價上漲的因素又十分複雜,因此高油價背後所隱藏的供給、需求問題,成為值得深入探討的議題。
    The greater part of the world’s remaining reserves of petroleum lie in the unstable Middle East region, while global petroleum needs are likely to continue to grow steadily in the future because the emerging giants of he world economy will require ever more energy for the unprecedented pace of economic development. In addition, environmental issues, a growing concern over last three decades, makes petroleum problem more complicated.
    With a view on economic analysis, the main findings of this research are the supply of global petroleum is unstable and finite, and the demand of global petroleum will continue to grow steadily. To solve this problem, all countries are searching for petroleum security and alternative energy. The prices of petroleum still matter to the health of the world economy, while the impact of high price of petroleum seems less injure than before. Compared to 1970s, the oil crisis, as a result of the oil supply disruptions, resulted in economic downturn, it now contains different issues both in demand and supply which present particular challenges that influence energy agendas.
    According to these findings, we suggest our government should adequately reflect the impact of high price of petroleum, encourage firms to cooperate internationally in explore petroleum abroad, review strategic petroleum reserve, and accelerate to legislate on regulations of development for renewable energy.
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