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    题名: 人體試驗民事責任之研究―以新藥臨床試驗為主題
    Study of Civil Liability on Human Subjects Research ― Focus on Drug Clinical Trial
    作者: 丁予安
    贡献者: 黃立
    关键词: 人體試驗
    Human subject research
    clinical trial
    medical ethics
    informed consent
    compensation for injury
    日期: 2008
    上传时间: 2016-05-09 12:03:33 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來,病人自主權意識高漲,醫療糾紛頻傳,每個醫師無不戒慎恐懼,而醫療爭議之處理模式與醫師專門職業之道德責任都受到社會高度的檢視及廣泛的討論。事實上,醫學的進步需要依賴不斷地創新與大膽地試驗研究,因此人體試驗相關的問題也受到大眾的關注。
    In recent years, patients’ consciousness of self-determination has raised and many medical disputes occurred; doctors feel discomfort and developed the high intensity of self-defense. The solution of medical malpractice and professional liability of doctors have became the major public issues and received many discussions. We are quite sure that the medical progress is based on innovative and intensive clinical study on human subjects. Under this background, the topics on human subject research have been attracted more attention than ever.
    Since the situations in human research are complex and variable. If relative clinical standards and legal protections are not adequately provided, the human subjects involved in clinical researches may face many risks and even injured. In Taiwan, we don’t have a systemic regulations on human subject research, all regulations are distributed in different code, act, proceeding, and agreement. Furthermore, the government does not have enough resource and manpower to monitor or inspect the processes of human research, the issues of protection of human rights and benefits of testee has raised serious concern. The human subject research is not exactly the same as the clinical medical treatment, it’s impossible for legislators or institutions to regulate research through traditional medical regulations such as medical ethics doctor-involved informed consent, medical agreement (contract), tort laws, and compensation for injury.
    In this thesis, firstly, I reviewed the most important publications related to human subject research include Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, USA’s Belmont Report and Code of Federal Regulations, CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, and ICH-GCP; secondly, focus on each specific topics especially the value of informed consent, the importance of medical agreement, the liabilities of torts and the policy of compensation for injury. Finally, I’ll make my comments and suggestions to the health care authorities to update and implement new regulating policies to protect human rights of subjects involved in clinical researches.
    My thesis is restricted to discuss the impact of civil liability on human subjects research focus on drug clinical trial and divided into seven chapters as follows: “Introduction”, “Human subject research”, “Principles of informed consent”, “International liability of civil law on human subject research”, “Liability of Taiwan civil law on human subject research”, “Policy of compensation for injured human research subject” and “Conclusion”.
    參考文獻: 一、 中文文獻
    (一) 專書
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    (二) 期刊論文
    1. 王培東,臨床試驗;任何醫療模式,皆需臨床試驗作最後的驗證,台灣醫界,第45卷第11期,2002年。
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    (三) 學位論文
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    8. 廖淑鈴,我國人體試驗委員會保護機制之評析,成功大學法律研究所碩士論文,2007年3月。
    9. 鄭珮文,現行人體試驗規範對生命權維護之探討-以藥品之臨床試驗為主,陽明大學醫務管理研究所碩士論文,2005年5月。
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    (四) 研討會論文
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095652010
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