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Title: | B2B供應商夥伴關係之管理:以結合力與關鍵成功因素為衡量準則 |
Authors: | 陳玟妤 Chen, Wen Yu |
Contributors: | 李有仁 Li, Eldon Y. 陳玟妤 Chen, Wen Yu |
Keywords: | 供應商夥伴關係 關鍵成功因素 夥伴關係度量 B2B supplier partner relationship critical success factor(CSF) partner relationship metrics(PRM) |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 11:46:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於全球化的浪潮,將市場競爭帶向新的局面,企業不再只尋求短期
(Partner Relationship Metrics)之概念,讓企業據此分數來選擇供應商夥伴。
本研究首先由17 篇關於夥伴關係的文獻中找出18 個夥伴關係的關鍵
成功因素(Critical Success Factor, CSF),並在每一關鍵成功因素下,定義若
干個關鍵執行項目(Key Practice Items, KPI)。這些關鍵執行項目都代表著供
關鍵字:B2B、供應商夥伴關係、關鍵成功因素、夥伴關係度量 Over the past few years, companies have faced increasing challenges in
their relationships with external competitors as well as internal employees.
Recent years, managers tend to build a long term, ongoing relationships which
are called partnerships. Researches have found that developing partnerships can
contribute to the profit of a company and reduce the risk. Some researchers
focused on the factors of the successful partnership; others on the bonds
between partners. However, studies is lacking on how to manage a partnership.
The purpose of this project is to find factors that make a successful supplier
partnership and propose some key practice items (KPI) as well. Furthermore,
we define partner relationship metrics (PRM) by combing bonds and success
factors of partnership to help managers evaluate their supplier partners.
This project is based on partnership literatures and business interviews.
First, we chose 18 critical success factors (CSF) of the partnership from 17
literatures. Then, we surveyed 6 businesses of Taiwan Information & Electronic
Industry and divided them into 3 categories to get the empirical data. We found
all companies agree that Adaptability, Trust and Participation are the top 3
important factors in managing their supplier partner relationships. In addition,
we discovered that the size of the companies and the one who holds the power
in the supplier-buyer relationship influence the research results.
Key words: B2B, supplier partner relationship, critical success factor (CSF),
partner relationship metrics (PRM) |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 95356038 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095356038 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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