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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 財務管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/94732
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    Title: 行為財務架構下的退休商品設計機制
    Keep golden years golden: a behavioral framework for retirement savings product design
    Authors: 歐怡君
    Ou, Yi-Chun
    Contributors: 周行一
    Edward H. Chow
    Ou, Yi-Chun
    Keywords: 行為財務
    behavioral finance
    retirement savings
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 11:45:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 退休規劃對個人或社會一直以來都是重要的議題。但是大部分的人往往受到心理偏誤的影響,逐漸偏離原本的目標。本研究除了檢視現行台灣地區實施的退休金制度外,也探討退休時可能面臨的各種風險及世界銀行建議之最適宜退休金制度,並發現在進行退休規劃時個人準備是不可缺少的。此外,本研究進一步釐清在退休規劃時會受到哪些心理偏誤的影響,以及這些心理偏誤會如何影響退休規劃。當退休規劃納入心理偏誤的影響後,對提供投資計畫的金融機構,應加入哪些機制才能消除因為投資人心理偏誤導致投資績效不佳的後果,期望能成功的協助投資人達成退休規劃的目標。最後,本文也討論了退休規劃建議採用的標的資產及退休商品的行銷策略。
    Retirement Savings has been an important issue for people, but most of them will deviate from their goals due to some psychological biases. In this paper, the present situation of Taiwanese pension system has been reviewed. Through analyzing the appropriate retirement system and considering the risks that people will face during the retirement, the paper points out the importance of self preparation. In addition, this paper conclude certain psychological biases that will influence retirement savings and give the alternatives of retirement savings program design to inform the financial institution in retirement plan promotion. Meanwhile, the propositions of underlying assets and marketing strategies are also provided in the research.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096357008
    Data Type: thesis
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