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Title: | 結合家庭、病例及病例-對照分析中疾病遺傳訊息的統計方法 Statistical Methods for Combining Genetic Association Information from Family, Case-Only and Case-Control Analyses |
Authors: | 林惠文 Lin, Hui Wen |
Contributors: | 劉惠美 程毅豪 林惠文 Lin,Hui Wen |
Keywords: | 病例對照研究 病例研究 病例父母研究 基因與環境交互作用 TDT 結合家庭資料與無相關控制組資料 結合病例對照和單純病例分析 結合病例父母對照和單純病例分析 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 11:37:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,基因與疾病之關聯分析 (association analysis)
傳統的連鎖方法 (linkage method)
(case-parent/case-sibling) 與病例-對照 (case-control)
研究。我們提出一個加權最小平方 (Weighted Least Squares)
獨立之條件 (此條件為單純病例分析所必需)
第三部份旨在探討群體分層 (population stratification) 存在
此新估計式即可整合單純病例分析與病例-父母分析,同時在群體分層存在之情形下,仍可得出有效之統計推論。 In recent years, there are increasing attention to association
studies, because linkage method will not be suitable under complex
disease and susceptible genes. In the thesis, we are probing into
association of family study and population study. And we combine
family study and population study for increased efficiency of
association method. We also consider interesting studies about
gene-environment interactions. The thesis contains three projects.
The first project focuses on examining when and how the two sources
of information offered by such studies, one from the
case-parent/case-sibling analysis, and the other from the
case-control analysis with data from affected subjects and unrelated
controls, can be integrated to enhance statistical power. We propose
a weighted least-squares approach to linearly and optimally combine
separate estimators from the case-parent/case-sibling and the
logistic regression analysis for the association parameters.
In the second project, we focus on examining the situation of
gene-environment interaction. We propose a two-stage design. In the
first stage, we collect patient data, and we seek out control data
with respect to cases in the second stage. We propose regression
analysis estimation in order to combine the case-only analysis in
the first stage and the case-control analysis in the second stage.
This estimation earns the correct statistical inference when genes
and environment factors are not independent.
In the third project, we explore gene-environment interactions under
population stratification. We propose a two-stage design. In the
first stage, we collect patient data, and we randomly collect a
partial data of patient`s parent from the cases in the second stage.
We propose regression analysis estimation in order to combine the
case-only analysis and the case-parent analysis. This estimation can
combine the case-only analysis and the case-parent analysis, and
attains effective statistical inference under population
stratification. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 統計學系 92354505 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923545051 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [統計學系] 學位論文
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