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Title: | 台灣高中生聽力策略教學之研究 A Study of Listening Strategy Instruction on Senior High School Students in Taiwan |
Authors: | 蔡青倩 Tsai,Ching-chien |
Contributors: | 余明忠 Yu,Ming-chung 蔡青倩 Tsai,Ching-chien |
Keywords: | 高中生 聽力策略 聽力自主 Senior High School Students Listening Strategy Listening Autonomy |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 17:07:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討高中生實施聽力策略教學的成效。受試者為兩班高中三年級
本研究歷時23 週,受試者分成實驗組,對照組各一班,對照組只做聽力練
1. 受試者聽力策略運用有達中等標準,顯示高中生在進行聽力測驗時,運用
2. 在教完聽力策略後,聽力成績雖未達顯著差異,但實驗組明顯地進步多於
3. 在教完聽力策略後,四個所教的聽力策略在不同的解釋上都有顯著差異,
4. 在教完聽力策略後,受試者不管在動機,自信心,或自動學習上都有顯著
5. 大多數受試者在問卷或訪談中,對聽力策略教學都持肯定的態度。
的聽力,聽力策略,與聽力自主學習,希望對台灣的聽力教學有所貢獻。 The present study is aimed at investigating the effects of listening strategy instruction. Two classes of 12th-grade senior high school students participated in this study as the experimental and control groups. There are two stages in this study. In the first stage, the participants’ use of listening strategies was analyzed. In the second stage, the participants were taught the four least frequently used listening strategies and then the effects of listening strategy instruction were discussed in three ways: listening proficiency progress, listening strategy improvement and the betterment of listening autonomy.
This study lasted for 23 weeks. The students in the control group had the listening activities in the textbook as usual. However, besides the same listening materials and activities, students in the experimental group received explicit listening strategy instruction. The data collected in this study include the grades in the intermediate GEPT listening tests, listening strategy and autonomy questionnaires. Based on the data, the major findings are as follows.
First, the participants in this study used listening strategies with medium frequency, meaning senior high school students did employ some listening strategies while listening. They used cognitive strategies most frequently and affective strategies the least.
Second, after the listening strategy instruction, they did not make significant progress in their listening test scores. However, the students in the experimental group made more progress than those in the control group, showing the strategy instruction did help promote their listening proficiency.
Third, the four listening strategies chosen to be taught all improved significantly in different ways. Among the three categories, cognitive and affective strategies use increased and reached significant levels.
Fourth, after the instruction, participants made significant progress in motivation, self-confidence and independent activities.
Fifth, the majority of the participants had positive attitudes towards listening strategy instruction based on the results in the questionnaire and interview.
This study demonstrated that listening strategy instruction could be integrated into the classroom activities and successfully improved senior high school students’ listening proficiency, listening strategies and autonomy. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the listening instruction in Taiwan. |
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