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Title: | 新版高中英文教科書文化內涵分析及探討 A Cultural Content Evaluation on Senior High School English Textbooks |
Authors: | 向玉珍 Hsiang, Yu-chen |
Contributors: | 葉潔宇 Yeh, Chieh-yue 向玉珍 Hsiang, Yu-chen |
Keywords: | 英文教科書 文化知識 文化活動 文化覺醒 English textbooks cultural knowledge cultural activities cultural awareness |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 17:06:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 論文提要內容:
本研究旨在分析及探討遠東及龍騰出版社2006年9月所出版之高中英文教科書(第一冊至第三冊)的文化內涵,所使用的評量依據有二個。一為Moran的cultural knowings framework,其中評量的項目包含了文化內容、文化活動及文化學習結果。除此之外,普通高級中學必修科目「英文」課程綱要(2004年8月31日頒布)中的文化涵養與世界觀之基本能力和進階能力亦為另一評量依據。
本研究的結果總結如下: (1)這兩套教科書所提到的文化以英美文化居多,此種偏向某特定地區文化(culture-specific)的教學,並不符合當今外語教學界所盛行的culture-general教學或 transcultural教學。(2)這兩套教科書中,大部份的文化教學只是「事實呈現」(facts-only) ,幾乎沒有觸及文化觀點及自我文化覺醒。(3)在這兩套教科書中,只有不到12%的活動與文化學習有關。此外,大部份的文化活動目的為收集資料及發展某些文化技能,幾乎沒有論及到發現原因和自我文化覺醒。(4)根據前三項結果,推論出只研讀這兩套教科書的學生可能並沒有成功的文化學習經驗。(5) 這二套英文教科書達到普通高級中學必修科目「英文」課程綱要之大部份文化指標。
根據研究結果,研究者對英文教師、師資培育機構、教科書編輯及出版社提出數點建議。 Abstract
This study first analyzes the cultural load of New Far East and Lungteng sets of English textbooks (from volume 1 to volume 3) based on Moran’s (2001) cultural knowings framework—content, activities, and learning outcomes. In addition, each lesson in both sets is examined with the cultural objectives in English Curriculum Guidelines for Senior High Schools issued in 2004 to see if each lesson in both sets achieves all of the cultural objectives.
The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) The foreign cultures mentioned in both New Far East and Lungteng sets of textbooks focus on American and British cultures. This kind of culture-specific information does not follow the current trend of culture-general understanding or the transcultural approach in the world. (2) Most of the cultural content in both sets is just “facts-only” information, hardly touching the concepts of cultural practices, cultural perspectives, and self-awareness. (3) Less than 12% of the activities in both sets are related to cultural instruction. Additionally, the cultural activities center on gathering information and developing skills, rarely on discovering explanations and self-reflection. (4) According to the previous results, it seems that students solely using the two sets of English textbooks are not likely to have a successful cultural learning experience. (5) New Far East and Lungteng sets of English textbooks (from volume 1 to volume 3) achieve most of the cultural objectives in English Curriculum Guidelines for Senior High Schools.
Finally, some suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study. |
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蘇順發 (Su, Shun-Fa) (1991)。 <由課程理論之基礎評析我國高中英文課程目標及內容>。 國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。 |
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