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    Title: 中國石油外交安全複合體系之研究
    The Research of China`s Oil Diplomacy Security Complex
    Authors: 林長青
    Lin, Chang-Ching.
    Contributors: 魏艾
    Lin, Chang-Ching.
    Keywords: 石油外交
    Oil diplomacy
    Security complex
    Sea lines of communication
    Eurasia energy bridge
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2016-05-06 17:05:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國的石油外交安全複合體系可分為海上運輸航線、歐亞能源陸橋以及全球經營三大面向。由於目前中國進口石油來源主要來自中東及非洲地區,並依賴印度洋通往國內東南沿海的海上運輸航線,基於分散運輸風險與進口地區多元化的考量,增進對東協關係以促成海路運輸安全、向陸地接鄰的俄羅斯與中亞國家發展能源陸橋、兼顧海陸進口路線平衡發展之佈局,以及積極於中東、非洲、拉丁美洲地區發展經貿與能源合作並進關係,將為中國建構石油安全複合體系必然的策略選擇。複合體系行為主體是運用石油公司、國家政策及區域組織外交三個層次相結合,發展區域經濟論壇、軍售與外交支持等全般作為以鞏固對產油國安全利益依存關係,即使面臨體系內美國與日本競爭石油資源,但是中國提供其他合作選項,使產油國得以增加出口選擇,因此牽制力量的存在反而有助於強化體系運作,預期與美國爭奪地緣關鍵國家合作關係將是今後中國開展石油外交的重點。
    China’s oil diplomacy security complex is divided into three aspects: Sea lines of communication, Eurasia energy bridge, and Global cooperation. Middle East and Africa are now the main areas for China’s imported petroleum, and their production are transported through Indian Ocean to the southeast China coast. China’s strategies to build oil diplomacy security complex on account of diversification of importing sources are to protect Sea lines of communication by promoting Sino-ASEAN relations, to construct energy bridge from Russia and Central Asia in order to poise the marine and continental route of imported petroleum, as well as to develop business and energy cooperation with Middle East, Africa and Latin America .There are three characteristics of the security complex: first , members that compose oil companies, countries and regional organizations ; second , interdependence that China fosters with oil-exported countries in regional economic forum , arm sales and diplomatic support , and the existence of opponents such as the United States and Japan that strengthens the security complex by relieving China’s alternative value.
    In conclusion, China provides other alternatives for oil-exporting countries and strengthen the regional security complex; thus to obtain cooperation opportunities with key countries in the Geopolitical field from the U.S. would be the priority in China’s oil diplomacy policy.
    Reference: 一、中文部份

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    International Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Website:http://www.iea.org/。
    United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Website:http://daccessdds.un.org。


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