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Title: | 桃園國際機場海關通關服務品質與旅客滿意度之研究 |
Authors: | 俞定中 |
Keywords: | 桃園國際機場 海關通關 服務品質 滿意度 Taoyuan International Airport The Customs Clearance Service Quality Satisfaction |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 16:44:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在我國入出境的旅客,大多數是經由桃園國際機場入出境,因此桃園國際機場可說是我國國家的大門,國際機場予人的觀感就是對於我國的第一印象。當旅客抵達國際機場時,首先會接觸到的即是海關通關作業,因此如果海關通關作業的服務品質良好,不但可提高旅客滿意度,更有助於提升我國在國際中的形象。
本研究參考Parasuraman,Zeithaml&Berry(1988a,1991)所發展之服務品質量表,根據台北關稅局的海關通服務特性加以修正,設計出服務品質有關的26個題項,另參考Olorunniwo, Hsu&Udo(2006)與Ruyter, Wetzels&Birgelen(1999)對顧客服務滿意度的定義,並依此定義設計旅客滿意度量表的5個題項,衡量海關通關服務品質與旅客滿意度,運用SPSS統計套裝軟體,對回收之有效問卷進行統計分析,驗證本研究所探討之假設。本研究發現如下:
本研究依據研究發現提出建議,以供海關機關與後續研究之參考。 The passenger entering or leave the country in our country, the great majority enter or leave the country via Taoyuan International Airport, so Taoyuan International Airport can be regarded as the gate of the country of our country, the impressions that the International airport gives to people are the first impression on our country. When the passenger reaches the International airport, it can touches to be customs clear customs the homework at first, so if the customs clearance of the service quality of the homework is good, not only can improve passenger`s satisfaction, contribute to improving the image in world of our country even more.
consults Parasuraman, Zeithaml& Berry (1988a,1991)Service product quality forms developed, revise according to the open service characteristic of the customs of Taibei Bureau Veritas, is it serve quality relevant 26 question item to design, consult Olorunniwo, Hsu& Udo separately (2006) And Ruyter, Wetzels& Birgelen (1999) Definition of the satisfaction to customer service, and definition design passenger to be satisfied to measure 5 question item of form according to this, weigh customs is it serve quality and passenger satisfaction to clear customs, use SPSS to count the suit software, carry on statistical analysis to the effective questionnaire retrieving, verify the assumption that this research institute probes into. Originally discover as follows:
1. Inbound passenger has significant difference between the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation and the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception, however, outbound passenger only has not significant difference in Tangibles between the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation and the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception, the other four dimensions, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy all have significant difference.
2. Inbound passengers and outbound passengers both have significant difference between the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation and the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation by the customs officer’s sense in empathy dimension, the other dimensions all have not significant difference.
3. Inbound passenger has significant relationship between the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception and the entire passenger’s satisfaction, however, outbound passenger has significant relationship between the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception and the entire passenger’s satisfaction in assurance and empathy.
4. Different attribute inbound passenger to the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception have significant difference in the different sex and different age. Different attribute outbound passengers to the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s actual perception have significant difference in the different month income, different occupation and different country.
5. Different attribute inbound passenger to the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation have significant difference in the different country. Different attribute outbound passengers to the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation have not significant difference.
6. Different attribute inbound passenger to the entire passenger’s satisfaction have significant difference in the different sexual, different age, different occupation, different monthly income, different purpose of travel and different using times. Different attribute outbound passenger to the entire passenger’s satisfaction have significant difference in the different country, different monthly income and different using times.
7. Different attribute customs to the customs clearance service level of the passenger’s expectation by the customs officer’s sense have not significant.
To conclude, this study has some suggestions by empirical finding, customs organization and future study may referable. "第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究流程與範圍………………………………………………………8
第三節 研究方法與限制………………………………………………………15
第四節 重要名詞界定…………………………………………………………17
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………19
第一節 服務品質之定義與概念………………………………………………19
第二節 服務品質之探討………………………………………………………32
第三節 服務品質與顧客滿意度之探討………………………………………64
第四節 國內公部門服務品質之推動與研究…………………………………79
第三章 海關機關概況之探討………………………………………106
第一節 海關沿革……………………………………………………………106
第二節 海關現況……………………………………………………………108
第三節 海關業務範圍與人員配置情形……………………………………117
第四節 台北關稅局之現況…………………………………………………123
第五節 旅客行李通關簡介…………………………………………………137
第四章 研究設計……………………………………………………153
第一節 研究架構與假設……………………………………………………153
第二節 研究變項與操作性定義……………………………………………159
第三節 問卷設計與抽樣方法………………………………………………161
第四節 資料分析方法與問卷前測…………………………………………165
第五章 實證分析……………………………………………………183
第一節 敘述性統計分析……………………………………………………183
第二節 差異性分析…………………………………………………………199
第三節 相關性分析…………………………………………………………216
第四節 迴歸分析……………………………………………………………220
第五節 重要性-績效分析…………………………………………………223
第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………229
第一節 研究發現……………………………………………………………229
第二節 研究建議……………………………………………………………237
第三節 後續研究建議………………………………………………………241 |
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