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Title: | 我國分割債券交易課稅之研究 |
Authors: | 陳美蓮 |
Contributors: | 許崇源 陳美蓮 |
Keywords: | 分割債券 結構型債券商品 財會理論 租稅理論 stripped bonds structured bonds accounting theory tax theory |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-06 16:34:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國金融商品之推出一直面臨著賦稅課徵之挑戰,也因而引起徵納雙方之爭議,使得資本市場之流動性受到影響。是以,新金融商品分割債券之推行,其賦稅課徵之合理性及公平性與否,亦會重大影響債券市場之效益。然而國內學者對於分割債券的研究相當少,主要是聚焦於我國制度的介紹及分割前後之附息債券與零息債券課稅方式之差異;國外學者則發現課稅方式的改變使得分割公債交易有巨額成長(Livingston and Gregory, 1989),以及交易方式及課稅方式之差異使得債券分割前後產生套利空間,導致市場無效率(Halpern and Rumsey, 2000)。 因此本研究主要係探討台灣分割債券現行賦稅規範,並探討其與利率連動之結構型債券商品,以及其與債券市場效率之相互影響。本研究以參考國外分割債券課稅方式,及引用財會理論及租稅理論為分析原則,且輔以我國最高行政法院及高等行政法院實際案例,探討其賦稅課徵的公平性及合理性;並依據所探討之問題提出建議以供稅務主管機關參考。 We have been facing the taxation challenge while every new financial product comes out to market. In that case, we find the disputations between tax collector and taxpayer, which also affect the liquidity of the capital market. Similar to the existing disagreements of the taxation for financial instruments, stripped bonds also have same problems and we could see how important it is to evaluate the rationality and fairness. However, prior local researchers on stripped bonds did not focus a lot about its taxation problems. Still, they found the different taxation after the bond is stripped, which may cause some unfair treatments between the coupon bonds and the zero-coupon bonds. On the other hand, the prior foreign studies found out the transaction amount of the stripped treasury bonds increased (Livingston and Gregory, 1989) and market efficiency occurred (Halpern and Rumsey, 2000) when they differentiated the taxation between the coupon bonds and the zero-coupon bonds The main purposes of this research are to study the current regulations of stripped bonds in our country, find out the problems in practical operations, connect the linkage with stripped bonds and structured bonds and realize what is the effect brought to the bond market. For the mentioned purposes, we refer to foreign documents, apply both accounting and tax theories to be our main principles, and review some practical law cases from our high and supreme administrative courts while evaluating the rationality and fairness of stripped bond taxation. Therefore we could provide a reference for the authority in determining the future tax regulations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 94353009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094353009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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