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    Title: 消費罪惡感之情緒內涵、發生時機及量表發展
    The Construct, Timing, and Measurement of Consumer Guilt
    Authors: 林育則
    Lin, Yu Tse
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂

    Lin, Yu Tse
    Keywords: 消費罪惡感
    consumer guilt
    depth interview
    impulsive buying
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2016-05-06 16:34:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去「罪惡感」相關的研究,大多集中在哲學、文學、心理學、宗教學的領域,在行銷的領域則甚少提及。即使有關於「消費罪惡感」的相關文獻,也只是將「消費罪惡感」當成影響消費者行為的一個變數來應用,並沒有對「消費罪惡感」本質作探討的相關研究。
    Guilt is a negative state that individuals experience in reaction to either a positive but undeserved event or a negative but deserved event. Despite its negative valence, guilt is considered a functional emotion, because it informs individuals that they have violated personal or social standards and motivates reparative action. In a consumption context, guilt has been linked to impulsive buying, compulsive consumption, and overspending. This guilt about consumption is usually named “Consumer Guilt.” Although previous research has defined consumer guilt, the measurement of consumer guilt is still not available in previous research. Therefore, this study focuses on the construct of consumer guilt and intends to explore when consumer guilt occurs.
    In order to find out the constructs, timing, and measurement of consumer guilt, 25 respondents were reminded with a shopping situation which consumers usually have the feelings of guilt. The interviewees were also requested to recall their last consumer guilt situation. This research employed the critical incident techniques and the main study contains 57 consumer guilt events.
    The results illustrate three major findings. First, through collecting, sorting and analyzing 56 events, the results pointed out consumer guilt had six constructs of emotion: hesitation, fear, scruple, reluctance to spend, regret, blame. Second, the past researches indicated consumer guilt can divide into two categories: reactive guilt and anticipatory guilt. This study finds that besides anticipatory consumer guilt and reactive consumer guilt, consumer guilt occurs at the point of buying. We name it proceeding consumer guilt. Third, the major construct of anticipatory consumer guilt is hesitation, the major construct of proceeding consumer guilt is reluctance to spend, and the major construct of reactive consumer guilt is regret and blame.
    Based on these results, we define the construct of consumer guilt to be measured, and generate items that pertain to the construct. Then determine the reliability and validity of these items. The anticipatory consumer guilt scale and the reactive guilt were developed to capture the concept of consumer guilt. The scale successfully met standards for internal reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923555072
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