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    Title: 銀行廠商理論之研究
    Authors: 楊旭平
    Contributors: 高明瑞
    Date: 1986
    Issue Date: 2016-05-05 16:33:10 (UTC+8)
    Reference: 參考書籍與書目

    (1)Adar, Z., T. Agmon, and Y.E. Orgler. "Out-put Mix and Jointness in Production in the Banking Firm," JMCB 7, May 1975, pp.235-243.
    (2)Aigner, D.J., and C.M. Sprenkle. "A Simple Model of Information and Lending Behavior, " JF 23, March 1968, pp.151--166.
    (3)Alhadeff, D.A. Monopoly and Competition in Banking, Calif :University of California Press, 1954.
    (4)Baltensperger, E. "Economies of Scale, Firm Size, and Concentration in Banking," JMCB 4, Aug. 1972, pp.467--488(a).
    (5) _____. "Cost of Banking Activities : Interactions Between Risk and Operating Costs,`` JMCB 4, Aug. 1972, pp.595-611(b).
    (6)_____. "The Precautionary Demand for Reserves," AER 64, March 1974, pp.205--210.
    (7) _____. “Alternative Approaches to the Theory of the Banking Firm”, JME 6, Jan.1980, pp.1--37.
    (8)_____, and H. Milde. "Predictability of Reserve Demand, Information Costs, and Portfolio Behavior of Commercial Banks" JF 31, June 1976, pp.835--843.
    (9)Barro, R.J., and A.M. Santomero. "Household Money Holdings and the Demand Deposit Rate” , JMCB 4, May 1972, pp.397-413.
    (10)Bell, F.W., and N.B. Murphy. Costs in Commercial Banking :A Quantitve Analysis of Bank Behavior and Its Relation to Bank Regulation. Research Report. No.41. Boston :Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1968.
    (11) Beazer, W.F. Optimization of Bank Portfolios, D.C. Heath & Company, Lexington, Massachusette, 1975.
    (12)Benston, G.J. "Economies of Scale and Marginal Costs in Banking Operations", National Banking Review 2, June 1965, pp. 507-549.
    (13) _____. "Economies of Scale in Financial Institutions", JMCB 4, May 1972, pp.312-- 341.
    (14) _____. G.A. Hanweck, and D.B. Humphrey. "Scale Economies in Banking :A Restructuring and Reassessment," JMCB 14, Nov. 1982 , pp.435-456.
    (15)Bierwag, G.O., G.G. Kaufman, and A.L. Toevs. "Single Factor Duration Models in a Discrete General Equilibrium Framework ," JF, May 1982, pp.325--338.
    (16)Black, F., and M.S. Scholes. "The Valuation of Options Contracts and a Test of Market Efficiency," JF 27, May 1972, pp. 399--417.
    (17)Blackwell, N.R., and A.M. Santomero. “Bank Credit Rationing and the Customer Relation," JME 9, Jan. 1982, pp.121--129.
    (18)Brigham, E.F., and R.R. Pettit. "Effects of Structure on Performance in the Savings
    and Loan Industry," in Study of the Savings and Loan Industry. Federal Home. Loan Bank Board, Washington:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970, pp.971-1209.
    (19)Broaddus, A. "Linear Programming :A New Approach to Bank Portfolio Management," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Monthly Review, Nov. 1972, pp.3--11.
    (20)Buser, S.A., A.H. Chen, and E.J. Kane. "Fedesal Deposit Insurance, Regulatory Policy, and Optimal Bank Credit," JF 36, March 1981.
    (21) _____. "Information Production, Market Signalling, and the Theory of Financial Intermediation :A Reply," JF 37, Sep. 1982. pp.1097--1099.
    (22)Chambers, D., and A. Charnes." Inter-temporal Analysis and Optimization of Bank Portfolios," Management Science, July 1961. Reprinting in Analytical Methods in Banking, ed. by Cohen, K.J., and F.S. Hammer, Rechard D. Irwin, Inc. 1966.
    (23) Cohen, K.J., and F.S. Hammer. "Linear Programming and Optimal Bank Asset Management Decisions," JF 22, May 1967, pp.147--165.
    (24)Cooper, J.P. "Stochastic Reserve Losses and Expansion of Bank Credit :Note," AER 61, Sep.1971, pp.741-745.
    (25)Cotter, R.V. "Capital Ratios and Capital Adeguacy, "National Banking Review,III, 3, March 1966, pp.333--346.
    (26)Deshmukh, S.D.,S.I. Greenbaum, and G. Kanatas. "Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Financial Intermediary`s Choice of Exposure ," JF 38, March 1983, pp.141--147.
    (27)Draper, D.W., and J.W. Hoag. "Financial Intermediation and the Theory of Agency." Journal of Financial and Quantitive Analysis 13, Nov. 1978, pp.595--611.
    (28)Fama, E.F. "Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm," JPE 88, April 1980, pp.288-307.
    (29)Flannery, M.J. "Retail Bank Deposits as Quasi-Fixed Factors of Production," AER 72, June 1982, pp.527--536.
    (30)Friedman, R.M., and W.W. Roberts. "The Carry-forward Provision and Management of Bank Reserves," JF, June 1983, pp.845-855.
    (31)Frost, P, A. "Bank`s Demand for Excess Reserves," JPE 79, July/aug. 1971, pp.805 825.
    (32)Gilligan, T.,M. Smirlock, W. Marshall. " Scale and Scope Economies in The Multi-product Banking Firm," JME 13, 1984, pp.393 —405.
    (33)Goldfeld, S.M., and D.M. Jaffee. "The Determinants of Deposit-rate Setting by Savings and Loan Associations, "JF 25, June 1970, pp.615--632.
    (34)Goldschmidt, A. "On the Definition and Measurement of Bank Output," JBF, May 1981, pp.575--585.
    (35)Gramley, L.E. A Study of Scale Economies in Banking, Kansas City, Mo. :Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1962.
    (36)Grebler, L., and E.F. Brigham, Savings and Mortgage Markets in California, Pasadena : California Savings and Loan League, 1963.
    (37)Greenbaum, S.I. "Competition and Efficiency in the Banking System-Empirical Research and its Policy Implications," JPE 75, Aug. 1967, pp.461--479.
    (38)Haley, C.W. "Interest Rate Risk in Financial Intermediaries :Prospect for Immunization," Bank Structure and Competition, Pp.309--326, Proceedings of a Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1982.
    (39)Hart, O.D., and D.M. Jaffee. "On the Application of Portfolio Theory to Depository Financial Intermediaries. "Review of Economic Studies 41, Jan. 1974, pp. 129-147.
    (40)Horvitz, P.M. "Economies of Scale in Banking, " in Private Financial Institutions, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1963, pp.1--54.
    (41) Kahane, Y. "Capital Adequacy and the Regulation of Financial Intermediaries," JBF 1, Oct.1977, pp.207--218.
    (42)Kareken, J.H., and N. Wallace. "Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation : A Partial Equilibrium Exposition," JB 51, July 1978, pp.413--438.
    (43)Kaufman, G.G. "Measuring and Managing Interest Rate Risk : A Primer," Economic Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Jan./Feb.1984.
    (44) _____, G.O. Bierwag, and A.L. Toevs . Innovations in Bond Portfolio Management : Duration Analysis and Immunization, JAI Press, Inc.1983, pp.155—157.
    (45) Kim, E.H. "A Mean-variance Theory of Optimal Capital Structure and Corporate Debt Capacity" ,JF 3, March 1978, pp.45--63.
    (46)Klein, B. "Competititive Interest Payments on Bank Deposits and the Long-run Demand for Money" , AER 64, Dec. 1974, pp.931-- 949.
    (47)Klein, M.A. "A Theory of the Banking Firm" , JMCB 3, May 1971, pp.205--218.
    (48)Koehn, M., and A.M. Santomero. "Regulation of Bank Capital and Portfolio Risk," JF 35 , Dec.1980, pp.1235--1244.
    (49)Kraus, A., and R.H. Litzenberger. "A State-Preference Model of Optimal Financial Leverage," JF 28, Sep.1973, pp.911--922.
    (50)Lam, C.H., and A.H. Chen. "Joint Effects of Interest Rate Deregulation and Capital Requirements on Optimal Bank Portfolio Adjustments" , JF, June 1985, pp.563--575.
    (51)Mackara, W.F. "What Do Banks Produce ?" Monthly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, May 1975, pp.70--74.
    (52)Markowitz, H. "Portfolio Selection," JF, March 1952, pp.77-91.
    (53)Merton, R.C. "An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantees : An Application of Modern Option Pricing Theory" ,JBF 1, June 1977, pp.3-- 11.
    (54)Meyer, P.A. "Comment on Weber," JF, Sep. 1967, pp.467--470.
    (55)Miller, S.M. "A Theory of the Banking Firm :Comment," JME 4, Jan.1975, pp.123--128.
    (56)Mingo, J.J. "Regulatory Influence on Bank Capital Investment," JF 30, Sep.1975, pp. 1111--1121.
    (57) _____, and B. Wolkowitz. "The Effects of Regulation on Bank Balance Sheet Decision," JF 32, Dec.1977, pp.1605`-1616.
    (58)Mitchell, D.W. "Explicit and Implicit Demand Deposit interest," JMCB 11, May 1979, pp.182--191.
    (59)Modigliani, F., and M.H. Miller. "The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance, and the Theorem of Investment," AER 48, June 1958, pp.261--297.
    (60)Morrison, R. Liquidity Preferences of Commercial Banks, University of Chicago, 1966.
    (61)Murray, J.D., and R.W. White. "Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope in Multi-product Financial Institutions :A Study of British Columbia Credit Unions," JF 38, June 1983, pp.887-902.
    (62)Niehans, J., and J. Hewson. "The Eurodollar Market and Monetary Theory" , JMCB, Feb. 1976, pp.1--28.
    (63)Orgler, Y.E., and R.A. Taggart, Jr. "Implications of Corporate Capital Structure Theory for Banking Institutions :A Note" JMCB, May 1983, pp.212--221.
    (64)Orr, D., and W.G. Mellon. "Stochastic Reserve Losses and Expansion of Bank Credit," AER 51, Sep.1961, pp.614-623.
    (65) Parkin, M.J. "Discount House Portfolio and Debt Selection", Review of Economic Studies 37, Oct.1970, pp.469—497.
    (66)Pesek, B.P. "Bank`s Supply Function and the Equilibrium Quantity of Money," The Canadian Journal of Economics, aug. 1970, pp.357-385.
    (67)Poole, W. "Commercial Bank Reserve Management in a Stochastic Model : Implications for Monetary Policy," JF 23 Dec.1968, pp. 769-791.
    (68) Porter, R. C. "A Model of Bank Portfolio Selection ," Yale Economic Essays 2, Fall 1961, pp.323-359.
    (69)Powers, J.A. "Branch Versus Unit Banking: Bank Output and Cost-Economies," The Southern Economic Journal, Oct.1969, pp. 153 -- 164.
    (70)Pringle, J.J. "A Theory of the Banking Firm:A Comment," JMCB 5, Nov. 1973, pp. 990--996.
    (71)_____. "The Capital Decision in Commercial Banks," JF 29, June 1974, pp.779--795.
    (72)Pyle, D.H. "On the Theory of Financial Intermediation," JF 26, June 1971, pp.737-747.
    (73)Ratti, R.A. "Stochastic Reserve Losses and Bank Credit Expansion" , JME 5, April 1979, pp.283-294.
    (74)Santomero, A.M. "Fixed Versus Variable Rate Loans," JF 38 Dec.1983, pp.1363--1380.
    (75)_____. "Modeling the Banking Firm :A Survey", JMCB, Nov.1984, pp.577--602.
    (76) _____, and J.D. Vinso. "Estimating the Probability of Failure for Commercial Banks and the Banking System," JBF 1, Oct. 1977, pp.185--205.
    (77)Saving, T. "A Theory of Money Supply with Competitive Banking," JME, July 1977, pp. 289-303.
    (78)Schweiger, I. and J.S. McGee. "Chicago Banking :The Structure and Performance at Banks and Related Financial Institutions in Chicago and Other Areas," JB, July 1961 pp.201--366.
    (79) _____, and J.T. Lindley. "Inputs, Out-puts, and a Theory of Production and Cost at Depository Financial Institutions" , JF 32, Sep.1977, pp.1251--1266.
    (80)Sharpe, W.F. "Bank Capital Adeguacy, Deposit Insurance, and Security Values," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 13, Nov. 1978, pp.701-718.
    (81)Spellman, L.J. "Deposit Ceilings and the Efficiency of Financial Intermediation" JF 35, March 1980, pp.129--136.
    (82)Startz, R. "Implicit Interest on Demand Deposit," JME 5, Oct. 1979, pp.515--534.
    (83)_____. "Competition and Interest Rate Ceilings in Commercial Banking," QJE 98, May 1983, pp.255--265.
    (84)Stigum, M.L. "Some Further Implications of Profit Maximization by a Savings and Loan Association" ,JF 31, Dec.1976, pp. 1405--1426.
    (85)Taggart, R.A., Jr., and S.I. Greenbaum. "Bank Capital and Public Regulation," JMCB 10, May 1978, pp.158-169.
    (86) Talmor, E. "A Normative Approach to Bank Capital Adeguacy," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 15, Nov. 1980, pp.785-811.
    (87)Vernon, J.R. "Savings and Loan Associations Response to Monetary Policies, 1953—1961 :A Case Study in Availability", The Southern Economic Journal, Jan. 1965, pp. 229--237.
    (88)Vojta, G.J. Bank Capital Adequacy, New York :First National Bank, 1973.
    (89)Weber, G.I. "Interest Rates on Mortgages and Dividend Rates on Savings and Loan Shares" , JF 21, Sep. 1966, pp.515-521.
    (90)White, B.B. "Monetary Policy Without Regulation Q" , Quaterly Review Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Winter, 1982, Vol.6, No. 4.
    (91)Wilcox, J.W. "A Gambler`s Ruin Prediction of Business Failure Using Accounting Data", Sloan Management Review 12, Spring 1971, pp.1--10.
    (92)Wood, J. "A Model of Commercial Bank Loan and Investment Behavior," In Issues in Monetary Economics, ed. by H.G. Johnson and A.R. Nobay, pp .402-- 453 , Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1974.
    A E R : American Economic Review
    J B F: Journal of Banking and Finance
    J B : Journal of Business
    J F : Journal of Finance
    J M E : Journal of Monetary Economics
    JMCB : Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
    J P E : Journal of Political Economy
    Q J E : Quarterly Journal of Economics
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006854
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[經濟學系] 學位論文

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