參考文獻: | 參考書目
1.Anderson, T.W. "Asymptotic Theory for Principal component analysis ". Annals of mathematical Statistics, 34 ( 1963 ) p.l22~148.
2. Anderson, T. W. An introduction to multivariate Statistical analysis. (New York; John wiley 1958) p. 272~287.
3. Bartlett. R.S., "A note on the multiplying factors for various ?x ?^2 approximations " Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (B) 16 ( 1954) p.296~298.
4. Chatfield C and Collins. A. J, Introduction to multivariate analysis, ( 1980) p.57~79.
5. Harris. R. J ., A primer of multivariate Statistics, ( Acamedic Press, 1975 ) p.155~204 .
6. Jolliffe. I.T.," Discarding variables in a principal component analysis I: Artificial Data" , Apply statistics 21 (1972) p.160~173.
7. Jolliffe I.T., "Discarding variables in a principal component analysis II: Real Data" Apply statistics 22 ( 1973) p. 21~31.
8. Johnson R. A. and Wichern D. W. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, (New Jersey, Prentice- Hall Inc. 1982 ). p.141~145, p. 361~400.
9. Kshirsagar A.M, Multivariate Analysis ( 1972) p. 424~468.
10. Karson M. J. Multivariate Statistical Method (1982) p. 191~224.
11. Krishnaiah p.P. Multivariate Analysis-II (1969) p. 205~217.
12. Khatri S, An introduction to Multivariate Statistics, (1979) p .272~297.
13. Lawley, D. N. "On testing a set of correlation coefficient for equal" Annal of mathematical Statistics 34 (1963) p.149~151.
14. Muirhead R. J. Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory. ( 1982) p. 144~151. p.333~336. p.380 ~ 428.
15. Mardia, K.V, Kent J. T. and BIBBy J.M. Multivariate Analysis, (1979) p.213 ~ 254 .
16. Morrison D. F, Multivariate Statical Method. (1967) p.221~ 258.
17. Mansfield E.R, Webster J, T. and Gunst R. F. "An Analysis variable selection technique for principal component reqression" Apply Statistics 26. No:1, p.34 ~ 40.
18. Over J.E and Klett C. J. Applied Multivariate Analysis ( New York: McGram-Hill compuny,1972) p. 57 ~ 86.
19. Rao. C.R " The use and interpretation of principal component analysis in applied research". Sanhkya A26 ( 1964) p. 329 ~ 358.
20. Scheid. F. Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis. (New York McGram-Hill company 1968 ) p.350 ~ 352.
21. Tatsuoka. M. M. Multivariate Analysis : Techniques for eductional and psychological research.( 1971), p. 269 ~ 275. |