Reference: | 參考書目 一、 中文書籍: 1. 王玉章,成本─數量─利潤分析之研究,(台北:宏政圖書出版有限公司,民國七十三年)。 2. 郭婉容,個體經濟學,(自發行,民國七十一年第三版)。 3. 梁培華,資訊詞彙,(台北,松崗,民國七十三年)。 4. 石齊平,個體經濟學,(台北,三民書局,民國六十九年)。
二、 英文書籍: 1. Charles A. Holl way, Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Models and Choices, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1979). 2. Charles H. Tavel, (The Third Age: Strageg for Business survial), Translaled from the French by Donald C. Caldwoll, (New York: Program Press, 1980). 3. Charles O. Hardy, Risk and Risk-Bearing (Illinois: University of Chargo Press, 1923). 4. Charles T. Horgren (Cost Accounting: Managerial Emphasis), 林豐欽等譯,「成本會計─經營管理之突破」,(台北:天一圖書公司,民國七十二年四月)。 5. Frank H. Knight, Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (New York: Horpor & Row, Publisher, 1957). 6. Fritz Machlup, The Economics of Sellers` Competition 1952). 7. Herbert Simon, Model of Man, (New York: John Wiley & Son Inc., 1957). 8. Irving L. Janis, Decision Making: A Psychological analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment, (New York: The Free Pree 1977). 9. James R. McGuigan and R. Charlos Mayer, Managerial Economics, (New York: West Publishing Company, 1983). 10. John J. W. Neuner, Cost Accounting, (Homewood: Richord D. Irwin Company, 1952). 11. John S. Tamerin and Harvey L. Pesnik, Percept on Benefit-Risk Decision Making, (Comitte on Public Engineering Policy, Natonal Academy, 1971). 12. John Y. D. Tse., D. C. S., Profit Planning Through Volume-Cost Analysis, (New York: The Macmillian, 1960). 13. Karl Borch and Jan Mossin, Risk and Uncertainty (New York: Macmillion, 1968). 14. Lavry N. Killough, and Way E Lenninger, Cost Accounting for Managerial Decision Making, (Dickenson Publishing Company Inc., 1977). 15. Mark R. Greene and Oscar N. Serbein, Risk Management: Text and Cases (Virginia: Reston Publishing Company Inc. 1978). 16. Maruin L. Bittinger, Caculus: a modeling approach, (California: Addison-Wesley, 1976) pp. 60-61. 17. M. S. Balch, D. L. and S. Y. Wu, Essay on Economic Behavior Under Uncertainty, (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1974). 18. Paul A. Somulson, Economics, (New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1982). 19. Rassel L. Ackaff, Scientiffic Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decision, (New York: Wiley, 1962). 20. Webster`s New World Dictionary, (Cleveland: The World Publishing Co., 1966).
三、英文期刊: 1. AAA Committee on Managerial Decision Model, “Report of Comittee on Managerial Decision Model,” The Accounting Review (Supplement), Vol. XLIV, 1969. 2. A. W. Patrick, "Some Observations on the Break-Even Chart", The Accounting Review, (October, 1958). 3. Douglas Vickers, “On the Economics of Break-Even” The Accounting Review, (July, 1960). 4. D. R. Finley and Woody M. Liao, “A General Decision Model for Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Under Uncertainty: A Comment, “The Accounting Review (April, 1981). 5. Glenn L. Johnson and S. Stephen Simik II, “Multiproduct C-V-P Analysis Uncertainty", Jonrnal of Accounting Research (Autumn, 1971). 6. Glenn L. Johson and S. Stephen Simik II, ``The Uses of Probability Inqualities in Multiproduct C-V-P Analysis Under Uncertainty”, Journal of Accounting Research, (Spring, 1974). 7. Horace R. Givens, “An Application of Curve linear Break-Even Function", The Accounting Review, (October, 1965). 8. Joel Dean, “Cost structure of Enterprises and Break-Even Chart.” American Economic Review, (December, 1949). 9. J. P. Dickimson, “Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Under Uncertainty,“ Journal of Accounting Research (Spring, 1974). 10. Lauren F. Brush, “Graphic Analysis of Expense“, The Accounting Review, (October, 1943). 11. Malcolcolm L. Pye, “How to Determine Break-Even Points with simple Algebraic Formalas“, Journal of Accountancy (August, 1948). 12. Mawsen Liao, “Model Sampling: A Stochastic Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis", The Accounting Review, (October 1975). 13. P. Brockitt, A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper, and Hong-Shul Shin, “A Chance-Contrained Programming Approach to Cost-Volume-Profit", The Accounting Review, (July, 1984). 14. Rene Manes, “A New Dimension to Break-Even Aralysis ", Journal of Accounting Research, (Spring, 1966). 15. Robert K. Jaedicke and Alexander A. Robichek, "Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Under Considerations of Uncertainty", The Accounting Review, (October, 1964). 16. Robert P. Market Equilibrium", Journal of Accounting Research, (Autumn 1975). 17. Thomas A. Morrison and Engene Kaczka “, A New Application of Caculus and Risk Analysis Cost-Volume-Profit Chang” The Accounting Review, (April 1969). 18. Trayes P. Goggans, “Break-Even Analysis With Curvilnear Function", The Accounting Review, (October 1965). 19. Wei Shih, “A General Decision Model for Cost-Volume-Profit Under Uncertainty", The Accounting Review, (October 1979). 20. William L. Ferrara, Jack C. Hayya, and David A. Nachman, “Normacley of Profit in the Jaedicke-Robichek Model", The Accounting Review, (April, 1972). 21. Willis R. Greer, Jr. “Theory Versus Practice in Risk Amalysis: An Empilical Study", The Accounting Review, (July 1974). 22. W. L. Fill, “Break-Even Chart", The Accounting Review, (April 1952). 23. Zvi Adar Amir Barnea and Baruch Ler “A Comprenhsive Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Under Uncertainty”, The Accounting Review, (October, 1979). |