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    Title: 經濟制裁與外交政策工具之研究
    Authors: 張正昇
    Contributors: 林碧炤
    Date: 1986
    Issue Date: 2016-05-05 15:08:41 (UTC+8)
    Reference: 參考書目
    一、 中文書籍
    1. 王建勛著,認識中南美洲,台北:商務印書館,民國六十一年。
    2. 朱建民著,聯合國內集團政治,台北:正中書局,民國五十四年。
    3. 朱建民著,國際組織新論,台北:正中書局,民國六十七年。
    4. 李明亮著,第二次世界大戰後美國對拉丁美洲政策,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國六十六年六月。
    5. 侯平福著,一九六二年古巴危機事件之研究,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國六十四年六月。
    6. 邱玉汕著,南非種族問題與憲政改革,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國七十四年一月。
    7. 陳昭雄著,美洲國家組織與聯合國關係問題之研究,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國六十年一月。
    8. 祝基瀅著,政治傳播學,台北:三民書局,民國七十二年六月。
    9. 張京育著,國際關係與國際政治,台北:幼獅文化事業公司,民國七十二年。
    10. 顧竹山著,一九四八年至一九七八年南非的外交政策,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年一月。
    11. 鄭麗園著,南非分別發展政策之研究,國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,民國六十九年六月。
    12. 歐陽勛著,國際貿易理論與政策,台北:三民書局,民國七十二年八月。

    二、 英文書籍
    1. Allen, Robert L. Soviet Economic Warfare. Washington, DC, Public Affairs Press, 1960.
    2. Allison, Graham T. Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. Boston: Little Brown, 1971.
    3. Ayubi, Shaheen, Richard E. Bissell, Nana Amu-Brafih Korsah, and Laurie A. Lemer. Economic Sanctions in U.S. Foreign Policy. Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1982.
    4. Bailey, T.A. The Art of Diplomacy. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968.
    5. Ball, George W. The Discipline of Power: Essentials of a Modern World Structure. (Boston and Toronto: Little Brown Co., 1968).
    6. Barber, James. South Africa’s Foreign Policy: 1945-1970. London: OUP, 1973.
    7. _____. The West and South Africa. London: Routledge & K. Poule, 1982.
    8. Bell, David V.J. Poewr, Influence and Authority. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
    9. Berliner, J.S. Soviet Economic Aid. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1958.
    10. Bissell, Richard E. Apartheid and International Organization. Boulder, Co.,: Westview Press, 1977.
    11. Blechman, Barry M. and Stephen S. Kaplan. Force Without War: U.S. Armed Forces As A Political Instrument. Washington, DC.: The Brooking Instition, 1978.
    12. Bloomfield, Lincoln P. The Foreign Policy Process. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982.
    13. Brotz, Howard. The Politics of South Africa: Democracy and Racial Diversity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
    14. Burns, Arthur Lee. Of Power and Their Politics. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1968.
    15. Callaghy, Thomas M Ed. South Africa in Southern Africa: The Intensifying Vortex of Violence. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1983.
    16. Carey, John. The Dominican Crisis, 1965: Background Paper and Proceedings. New York: Oceana, 1967.
    17. Chayers, Abram. The Cuban Missile Crisis: International Crisis and the Role of Law. London: OUP, 1974.
    18. Clark, Evans. Boycott and Peace. New York: Twentieth-Century-Fund, 1936.
    19. _____. Boycott and Peace: A Report by the Committee on Economice Sanctions. New York: Harper and Bros, 1932.
    20. Dinerstein, Herbert Samuel. The Making of a Missile Crisis, October 1962. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1976.
    21. Dominguez, Jorge I. Cuba: Order and Revolution. Cambridge Belknap Press, 1978.
    22. Doody, E.S. Introduction to the Use of Economic Indicators. New York: Random House, 1965.
    23. Dugard, John. The South West Africa/Namibia Dispute: Documents and Scholary Writings on the Controversy Between South Africa and the United Nations Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973.
    24. Etheredge, Lloyd S. A World of Men. The Mass-achusetts Institute of Technology, 1978.
    25. Etzold, Thomas H. The Conduct of American Foreign Relations. New York: Franklin Watters, 1977.
    26. Frederickson, George M. White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.
    27. Freedman , R.O. Economic Warfare in the Communist Bloc. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970.
    28. Garson, David G. Power and Politics in the United States. Washington, DC.: Heath Company, 1977.
    29. Gatierrez, Carols Maria. The Dominican Republic: Rebellion and Repression. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972.
    30. Gerhart, Gail M. Black Power in South Africa: The Evolution of an Ideology. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.
    31. Gleijeses, Piero. The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitutionalist Revolt and American Intervention, translated by Lowrence Lipson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
    32. Gonzalez, Edward. Cuba Under Castro: The Limits of Charisma. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974.
    33. Gordon, D.J. and Royden I. Dangerfield. The Hidden Weapon: The Story of Economic Warfare. New York: Harper and Bros, 1947.
    34. Ikle, F.C. How Nations Negotiate. New York: Haper and Row, 1964.
    35. Irwin, Wallace Jr. America in the World. New York: Praeger Bublishers, 1983.
    36. Johnson, E.A.J. The Dimensions of Diplomacy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967.
    37. Johnson, Richard I. and John. Barratt. Conflict and Compromise in South Africa. Lexington, Mass., D.C. Heath, 1980.
    38. Knorr, Klaus and Frank Traeger, eds. Economic Issues and National Security. Kansas: Regent’s Press, 1977.
    39. Leo Grande, William M. Cuba’s Policy in Africa. Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1980.
    40. Lewis, Oscar. Living the Revolution: An Oral History of Contemporary Cuba. Urban: University of Illinois Press, 1977.
    41. Liska, G. The New Statecraft: Foreign Aid in American Foreign Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.
    42. Mckenna, J.C. Diplomatic Protest in Foreign Policy. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1962.
    43. Mitrany, David The Problem of International Sanctions. London: Oxford University Press, 1925.
    44. Montgomery, J.D. The Politics of Foreign Aid. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1962.
    45. Myers, Desaix B.III. U.S. Business in South Africa: The Economic Political and Moral Issue. Indiana: Bloomington, 1980.
    46. Renwick, Robin. Economic Sanction. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1981.
    47. Rostow, W. W. The Process of Economic Growth. New York: Norton, 1962.
    48. Rotberg, Robert I. and John Barratt. Conflict and Compromise in South Africa. Lexington, Mass., DC. Heath, 1980.
    49. Segal, Ronald ed. Sanctions Against South Africa. Harmonds worth: Penguin Books, 1964.
    50. Slater, Jerome R. Intervention and Negotiation: The United States and the Dominican Revolution. London: Harper, 1970.
    51. Spanier, John and Eric M. Uslaner. How American Foreign Policy Is Made. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974.
    52. Spence, J.E. Republic Under Pressure: A Study of South Africa Foreign Policy. London: OUP for RIIA, 1965.
    53. Stern, Ellens P. The Limits of Military Intervention. London: Sage Publishers, 1977.
    54. Van. Eyl Slabbert, Frederick. South Africa’s Options: Strategies for Sharing Power. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1979.
    55. Weintraub, Sidney. Economic Coercion and U.S. Foreign Policy: Implications of Cases Studies from the Johnson Administration. Blouder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1982.
    56. Whitaker, U. G. Politics and Power: A Text. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.
    57. Wolf, Thomas A. U.S. East-West Trade Policy. Lexington, D.C. Heath: Lexington Books, 1973.
    58. Wright, Quincy. International Relations. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955.
    59. Wrong, Dennis H. Power. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1979.
    60. Wu, Yuan-Li Economic Warfare. New York: Prentice Hall, 1952.

    三、 英文期刊
    1. Abbott, Kenneth. W. “Linking Trade to Political Goals: Foreign Policy Export Controls in the 1970s and 1980s.” 65 Minnesoto Law Review, 1981.
    2. Anglin, Douglas G. “Economic Liberation and Regional Cooperation in Southern African: SADCC and PTA.” International Organization. Vol.37. No3 (Autumn, 1983).
    3. Arens, Richard and Harold D. Lasswell “Toward a Gneral Theory of Sanctions.” 49 Iowa Law Review, 1963-4.
    4. Beals, C. “Gunboat Diplomacy and the Dominican Crisis, “National Guardian 14, (December 11, 1961).
    5. Bowett, D. “Economic Coercion and Reprisals by States.” Virgina Journal of International Law, Vol.13, No1. (Spring, 1972).
    6. Claude, Inis L. Jr. “The OAS, the UN, and the United States.” International Conciliation. No.547. (March, 1964)
    7. Dale, Richard. “South Africa and the International Community.” World Politics, Vol.18, No.2, (Summer, 1966).
    8. De Crespigny, A.R.C. and Mckinnell. R.T. “The Natural and Significance of Economic Boycott.” South Africa Journal of Economics. (December, 1960).
    9. Denemark, Robert A. and Howard D. Lehman. “The Political Economy of Repression and Reform in South Africa.” Africa Today, Vol.29 2nd. Quarter, 1982.
    10. Doxey, Margaret P. “International Sanctions:A Framework for Analysis With Special Reference to the UN and South Africa.” International Organization, Vol.26, No.3, (Autumn, 1972).
    11. Doxey, Margaret P. “Sanctions Revisited.” International Journal Vol.31. No.1. (Winter, 1975-6).
    12. Guevara, Ernesto Che. “The Cuban Economy.” International Affairs, (October, 1964).
    13. Hazel, Suchard. “Change in Black Personal Income and Expenditure in South Africa.” Africa Insight, Vol.14, No.3, 1984.
    14. Hoffmann, F. “The Functon of Economic Sanctions: A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Peace Research, Vol.2, 1967.
    15. Jackson, B.W. “Foreign Aid: Strategy or Stopgap?” Foreign Affairs, Vol.41, 1962.
    16. Barber, James. “The EEC Code for South Africa: Capitalism As a Foreign Policy Instrument.” World Today, Vol.36, No.4. (December, 1979).
    17. Kaplan, David E. “The Internationalization of South African Capital: South African Direct Foreign Investment in the Contemporary Period.” African Affairs, Vol.82, No.329 (October, 1983).
    18. Macdonald, R St. Jr. “The Organization of American States in Action,” 15 University of Toronto Law Journal, 1964.
    19. Marcuss, Stanley and Eric L. Richard “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in United States Trade Law: The Need for a Consistent Theory.” 20 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 1981.
    20. Miller, Linda. “Regional Organization and the Regulation of Internal Conflict,” World Politics, Vol.19, No.4. (Winter, 1967).
    21. Mudge, G.A. “Domestic Policies and UN Activities: The Case of Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa.” International Organization, Vol.21, No.4. (Winter, 1967).
    22. Porter, Richard C. “International Trade and Investment Sanctions: Potential Impact on the South African Economy.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.23, No.4. (December, 1979).
    23. Reisman, W.M. “The Enforcement of International Judgement.” American Journal of International Law, Vol.63, 1969.
    24. Slater, Jerome. “The Limits of Legitimization in International Organization: the OAS and the Dominican Crisis.” International Organization, Vol.23, No.1. (Spring, 1969).
    25. _____. “The United Sates, the Organization of American States, and the Dominican Republic.” International Organization, Vol.18, No.1, (Spring, 1964).
    26. Thorning, J.F. “The Dominican Republic: Twenty-five Years of Peace and Prosperity.” World Affairs, Vol.118, No.2, (Summer, 1955).
    27. Tretiak, Daniel. “Cuba and Soviet Union: The Growing Accommodation 1964-65.” Orbis, Vol.11, No.2, (Summer, 1967).
    28. Wallenstein, Peter. “Characteristics of Economic Sanctions” 5 Journal of Peace Research, 1968.
    29. Wilczynski, J. “Strategic Embargo in Perspective,” Soviet Sutudies, Vol.19. No1, (Spring, 1967).
    30. Wilkins, John R. “Legal Norm and International Economic Development: The Case of the Cuba Shipping Restriction in the United States Foreign Assistance Act.” California Law Reivew (October, 1967).
    31. William, Benjamin H. “The Coming of Economic Sanctions Into American Practise.” 37 American Journal of Internatioal Law, 1943.
    32. Zacklin, R. “Challenge of Rhodesia.” International Conciliation, No.575, (November, 1969).
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006420
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