Reference: | 中英文參考書目 壹、中文部份 1.王斗明編譯,資訊系統-理論與實務(台北:道明出版社,民國七十二年二月初版)。 2.白云,”國內個人電腦及家用電腦市場分析與前瞻”,資訊與電腦,第三卷第七期(三十一)(台北:民國七十二年一月),P25-26。 3.王志綱編譯,行銷學原理(台北:華泰書局,民國七十四年二版)。 4.洪魁東,“個人用電腦市場好景可常嗎?”,資訊與電腦,第三卷第七期(三十一)(台北:民國七十二年一月),P.33。 5.高熊飛編譯,行銷管理-分析,規劃與控制(台北:華泰書局,民國六十九年一版)。 6.高鶴軒編著,資訊庫系統-理論與實例(台北:道明出版社,民國七十三年七版)。 7.許士軍著,現代行銷管理(台北:許士軍,民國六十七年修正版)。 8.許是祥譯,陳振銑校訂,企業管理-理論、程序、實務(台北:中華企業管理發展中心,民國六十九年三月十一版)。 9.陳定國編著,現代行銷學-行銷管理之理論基礎,上下冊(台北:華泰書局,民國六十九年三月再版) 10.黃俊英主編,行銷企劃應用策略專輯,1、2冊(台北:大世紀出版社,民國七十年初版)。 11.郭崑謨、林泉源合著,管理資訊系統(台北:三民書局,民國七十一年初版)。 12.程嘉君、吳思華及林至洪合譯,管理資訊系統(台北:道明出版社,民國七十年初版)。 13.鍾日美,”我國十六位元個人用電腦向歐美市場進軍”,資訊與電腦,第五卷第一期(四十九)(台北:民國七十三年七月)P35。
貳、英文部份 1. B. Charles Ames, "Marketing planning for Industrial products", Harvard Business Review, (Sep.-Oct., 1968). 2. B. Charles Ames, : "Trapping Vs Substance in Industrial Marketing", Harvard Business Review, Jaly-Aug., 1970). 3. Lee Adler, "System Approach to Marketing", Harvard Business Review, 45 (May-June, 1967).p.75. 4. Robert N. Anthony and John Dearden, Management Control System (Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc, 1980) P.7. 5. Richard H. Brien and James E. Staffordd, "Marketing Information Systems : A New Dimension for Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing, 32 (July, 1968) P.21. 6. E. Raymond Corey, "Key Options in Market Selection and Product planning", Harvard Business Review, ( Sep-Oct, 1975). 7. E. Raymond corey, Industrial Marketing, Cases and contepts, 2nd ed. (Englewood cliff, N.J. :prentice-Hall, 1976). P. l. 8. Ponald F. Cox and Robert E. Good, "How to Build a Marketing Information Systems", Harvard Business Review, 45 (May-June, 1967), PP. 145-148. 9. William E. Cox Jr. Industrial Marketing Research (N.Y.: Ronald Press, 1979). 10. Robert W. Haas, Industrial Marketing Management (N.Y.: 1976). 11. Philip Kotter, "Behavior Models for Analysing Buyers", Jounal of Marketing (Oct, 1965) PP.37-45. 12. Donald W. Kroeber, Management Information System (N.Y.: The free Press, 1982). P.9. 13. Ponald R. Lehmann and John O’shaughnessy,"Difference in Attribute Importance for Difference Industrial Product", Jounal of Marketing, (April, 1974) PP.36-42. 14. James Martin, Computer Data Base Organization, 2nd ed. (N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977). 15. D. Montgomery & G. Urban, Management Science in Marketing (N.J.: Prentice-Hall 1969), P.l8. 16. Report of the Definitions Committee of the American Marketing Association, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1961. 17. John F. Rockart, "Chief Executives define their own data needs", Harward Business Review, (Mar.-Apr. 1979 ). 18. Eric Shankleman, "The Development of Industrial Market Research and Marketing", Commentary, Journal of the Marketing Research Society, Vol. 9, No .1 (Jan. 1967) P.22. 19. Jagdish N. Sheth, "A Model of Industrial Bayer Behavior," Journal of Marketing, (Oct. 1973 ). 20. Arch G. Woodside et , Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior (N.Y . : North-Halland, 1977). |