Reference: | 參考書目
(1) Books
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2. Blalock, U.M. Theory Construction, From Verbal to Mathematreal Formulations. Englewood, N.J .: Prentice-Hall, 1969.
3. Cobb, Roger W. and Elder, Charles. International Community: A Regional and Global Study. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.
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9. Greenstein, F.L and Polsby, N.W. (ed.). Government Institution and Processes.
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11. Haas, Ernst B. The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social, and Economic
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12. Haas, Ernst B. Beyond the Nation-State: Functionalism and International Organization. California: Stanford University Press, 1964.
13. Jacob, Philip Z. and Toscano, James V. (eds.). The Integration of Political
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14. Lieber, Robert J. Theory and World Politics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers Inc., 1972.
15. Lindberg, Leon N. and Scheingold, Stuart A. Europe`s Would-Be Polity: Patterns of Change in the European Community. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1970.
16. Mitrany, David. The Functional Theory of Politics. London: Martin Robertson,1975.
17. Nye, Joseph S. Peace in Parts : Integration and Conflict in Regional Organization. Boston: Little Brown, 1971.
18. Pentland, Charles. International Theory and European Integration. London: Faber and Faber, 1973.
19. Rosen, Steven J. and Jones, Walter S. The Logic of International Relatins. Cambridge, Mass: Winthrop Publishers Inc., 1980.
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22. ──. Power and Community in World Politics. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1974.
23. Singer, David (ed.). Quantitative International Politics: Insights and Evidence. International Yearbook of Political Behavior Research vol. 6, N.Y.: Free Press, 1968.
24. Thompson, Kenneth W. Master of International Thought: Major Twentieth Century Theorists and World Crisis. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 1980.
25. Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. Addision-Wesley Publishing Company, 19-9.
26. Wheare, K.D. Fedcr.1l Government. London: Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 1956.
(2) Articles
1. Aspaturian, Verson. "The Theory and Practice of Soviet Federalism", Journal of Politics, 12(1 950), pp. 20-5).
2. Caporaso , James A. "Theory and Method in the Study of International Integration," International Organization, 25, 1 ( 1971 ), pp. 229-253.
3. Caporaso , James and Pelowski, Alan L. "Economic and Political Integration in Europe: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis," American Political Science Review, 65 (June 1971 ), pp. 418-433.
4. Deutsch , Karl W. " Integration and Arms Control in the European Political Environment: A Summany Report," American Political Science Review, 60 (June 1966), pp. 354-365.
5. Fisher, W.Z. "An Analysis of the Deutsch Sociocausal Paradigm of Political Integration," International Organization, 23, 2 (1969), pp. 254-290.
6. Haas; E. B. and Schimitter, Philippe. "Economics and Differentical Patterns of Political Integration : Projections about Unity in Latin America," International Organization, 18, 4 (1964), pp. 705-737.
7. Haas, E.B. " International Integration "The European and the Universal Process," International Organization, 15, 4 (1965), pp. 366-392.
8. ──. "`The Uniting of Europe` and the Uniting of Latin America," Journal of Common Market Studies, 5 (June 1967), pp. 315-343.
9. ──. "The Study of Regional Integration: Reflection on the Joy and Anguish of Pretheorizing", International Organization, 24, 4(1970), pp. 870-884.
10. Hansen , Roger. "Regional Integration : Reflections on a Decade of Theoretical Efforts", World Politics, 21, 2(1969), pp. 242-271.
11. Hayward, Fred M. "Continuities and Discontinuities between Studies of National and International Political Integration," International Organization, 24, (Autumn 1970), pp. 917-941.
12. Hughes, Barry B. "Transaction Analysis: The Impact of Operationalization," International Organization, 25, (Winter 1971 ), pp. 132-145.
13. Haghes, Barry and Schwarz, John Z. "Dimensions of Political Integration and the Experience of the European Community," International Studies Quarterly,16 (Sep. 1972), pp. 263-:94.
14. Inglehart, Ronald. "An End to European Integration?" American Political Science Review, 61 (March 1967), pp. 91-105.
15. Kaiser, Ronn. "Toward the Copernican Phase of Regional Integration Theory," Journal of Common Market Studies, 10 (March I 972), pp. 207-232.
16. Lindberg, Leon N. "Decision Making and Integration in the European Community," International Organization. 19, 1 (1965), pp. 56-80.
17. "The European Community as a Political System: Notes toward the Construction of a Model,". Journal of Common Market Studies. 5,(June 1967), pp. 344-387.
18. "Political Integration as a Multidimensional Phenomenon Requiring Multivariate Measurement," International Organization, 24, 4( 1970),pp. 649-729.
19. Nye, Joseph S. "Patterns and Catalysts in Regional Integration," International Organizatio, 19, 4( 1965), pp. 870-884.
20. ──. "Comparative Regional Integration: Concept and Measurement," International Organization, 22, (Autumn 1968), pp. 855-880.
21. ──."Comparing Common Markets: A Revised Neo-Functionalist Model," International Organization, 24, 4(1970), pp. 796-835.
22. Puchala, Donald. "International Transactions and Regional Integration," International Organization, 24, (Autumn 1970), pp. 732-763.
23. Puchala, Donald J. "Of Blind Men, Elephants and International Integration," Journal of Common Market Studies, 10 (March 1972), pp. 267-284.
24. Riggs, Robert Z. "The Bank, the IMF and the WHO: More Data on Functionalist Learning," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 24, 2(1980), pp. 329-357. ,
25. Schmitter, Philippe C. ``Three Neo-Functional Hypotheses About International Integration," International Organization, 23 (Winter 1969), pp. 161-166.
26. Schimitter, Philippe C. \\ Revised Theory of Regional Integration," International
Organization, 24. 4 (1970), pp. 836-868.
27. Wallace, Michael D. and Singer, Pavid , " Intergovernment Organization in the Global System 1815-1964," International Organization, 24 (Spring 1970),pp. 239-287.
28. Weissberg, Robert. "Nationalism, Integration, and French and German Elites," International Organization, 23, 5 (1969), pp. 337-347.
5.林碧焰,「歐洲整合:理論與爭議」。中山社會科學譯粹,卷二,期二,民國七十六年四月。 |