Reference: | 參考書目
一、 中文部份
(一) 原著譯本
1. 何兆武,盧梭社會契約論,台北:唐山,民76年3月。
2. 李常山,盧梭論人類不平等的起源和基礎,台北:唐山,民75年10月。
3. 余鴻榮,盧騷懺悔錄,台北:志文,民73年8月。
(二) 書籍
1. 江金太,歷史與政治,台北:桂冠,民70年11月。
2. Ernst Cassirer,啟蒙運動的哲學,(李日章譯),台北:聯經,民73年5月,(原著出版於1932年)。
3. 呂亞力、吳乃德譯,民主理論選讀,台北:德馨室,民68年1月。
4. Norman Hampson,啟蒙運動,(李豐斌譯),台北:聯經,民73年4月(原書出版於1968年)。
5. 浦薛鳳,西洋近代政治思潮,(二)台北:中華文化出版事業社,民42年6月初版。
6. 張金鑑,西洋政治思想史,台北:三民,民59年4月初版。
7. Isaiah Berlin,自由四論,(陳曉林譯),台北:聯經,民75年9月,原書出版於1969年)。
(三) 期刊論文
1. 江金太,「再論盧梭:自然人與社會人」,國立政治大學學報,第46期,民71年2月,頁97—131。
2. 朱堅章,「盧梭政治思想中自由觀念的分析」,國立政治大學學報,第26期,民61年12月,頁182—205。
3. 李弘祺,「試論思想史的歷史研究」,李弘祺等著,史學與史學方法論集,台北:食貨,民69年9月。
4. 黃俊傑,「思想史方法論的兩個側面」,黃俊傑編譯,史學方法論叢,台北:學生,民73年10月增訂三版。
5. John Higham,「思想史及其相關學科」(黃俊傑譯),黃俊傑編譯,史學方法論叢,台北:學生,民73年10月增訂三版。
6. 彭懷恩,「民主理論的修正」,陳忠庸譯,革命以後,台北:允晨,民73年4月。
7. 蘇文流,「消極自由與積極自由:伯林的論點述評」,政治學報,13期,民74年12月,PP. 287—323。
二、 西文部份
(一) 書籍
1. Almond, Gabriel A. and Sidney Verba, The Civic Culture, Taipei:Rainbow-Bridge Book Co.,1970.
2. Cassirer, Ernst, The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. tr.,Peter Gay. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954.
3. Chapman, John W., Rousseau:Totalitarian or Liberal? New York: Columbia University Press,1976.
4. Cobban, Alfred, Rousseau and Modern State, London: George Allen and Unwin ltd.,1964.
5. Colletti, Lucio, From Rousseau to Lenin, tr.John Merring-ton & Judith White, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972.
6. Crocker, Lester G., Rousseau’s Social Contract: An Inter-pretative Essays, Cleveland: The Press of Case Western Reserve University. 1968.
7. Dahl, Robert A., Who Governs?, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964.
8. Dahl, Robert A., Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, New Haven : Yale University Press, 1978.
9. Dahl, Robert A., Democracy in the United States: Promise and Performance, Chicago: Rand McNallyand Company, 1981.
10. Dahl, Robert A., Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy: Autonomy VS. Control, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.
11. Ellenburg, Stephen, Rousseau`s Political Philosophy: An Interpretation from Within, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1976.
12. Fralin, Richard, Rousseau and Representation: A Study of the Development of His Concept of Political Institution, New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.
13. Gagnebin, Benard and Marcel Raymond ed., Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Oeuvres complete, 4 vols., Paris: Gallimard Bibliotheque, 1959-todate.
14. Gildin, Hilail, Rousseau’s Social Contract: The Design of the Argument, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983.
15. Grinsley, Ronald, The Philosophy of Rousseau, London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
16. Held, Virginia, The Public Interest and Individual Interest. New York: Basic Books Inc., 1970.
17. Lemos, Ramon, Rousseau’s Political Philosophy: An Exposition and Interpretation, Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1977.
18. Levine, Andrew, The Politics of Autonomy: A Kantian Reading of Rousseau`s Social Contract, Amherst: University of Massachesetts Press, 1976.
19. Lowi, Theodore J., The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, New York: W. W. Norton, 1979.
20. Master, Roger D., The Political Philosophy of Rousseau, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968.
21. Merquior, J. G., Rousseau and Weber: Two Studies in the Theory of Legitimacy, London: Routledgeand Kegan Paul, 1980.
22. Miller, James, Rousseau: Dreamer of Democracy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.
23. Olson, Mancur, The Logic of Collective Action, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1971.
24. Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nation: Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.
25. Osborn, Annie Marion, Rousseau and Burke: A Study of Liberty in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought, New York: Russell of Russell Inc., 1964.
26. Plamenatz, John, Man and Socity I, New York: McGraw Hill Book Campany Inc., 1963.
27. Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1971.
28. Reisman, David, The Lonely Crowd, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960.
29. Riker, William H. and Peter C. Ordeshook, An introduction to Positive Political Theory, Englewood Cliffs. N.J: Printice-Hall, 1973.
30. Riley, Patrick, The General Will before Rousseau, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
31. Roche, Kennedy F., Rousseau: Stoic and Romantic, London: Methuen & Co.Ltd., 1974.
32. Schumpeter, Joseph A., Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, N.Y. :Harper and Brothers Publishers,1950.
33. Scott, William Robert, Adam Smith as Student and Professor, Glasgow, 1937.
34. Shklar, Judith N., Men and Citizens: A Study of Roussean`s Social Theory, Cambride: Cambridge University Press, 1969.
35. Talmon, J. L., The Origin of Totalitarian Democracy, New York: W. W. Norton Co. Inc., 1970.
36. Vaughan, C. E., ed., The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2 Vols., 1915.
37. Volpe, Galvano de la, Rousseau and Marx, tr., John Fraser, Atlantic highlands: Humanities Press, 1978.
38. Watkins, Frederick tr. and ed., Rousseau`s Political Writings, London: Nelson, 1953.
39. Yack, Bernard, The Longing for Total Revolution: PhiIosophic Sources of Social Discontent from Rousseau to Marx and Nietzsche, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
(二) 期刊論文
1. Allen, Glen O., "Le Volont`s de Tous and Le Volont`s General: A Distinction and Its Significance", Ethics, 71 (July 1961) :203~272.
2. Bloom, Allan, "Rousseau on the Equality of the Sexes" in Frank S. Lucash, ed., Justice and Equality Here and Now . Ithaca: Cornell University Press: 68—88, 1986.
3. Coniff, James, "On the Obsolescence of the General Will: Rousseau, Madison and the Evolution of Republican Thought", Western Political Quarterly, 28: 1 (1975): 32~ 58.
4. Dagger, Richard, "Understanding the General Will", Western Political Quarterly, 34: 3 (1981): 359~371.
5. Kateb, George, "Aspects of Rousseaou`s Political Thought", Political Science Quarterly 76: 4 (1961): 519~543.
6. Knoke, David, "Power Structure", in Samuel L. Long ed., The Handbook of Political Behavior V.III, N.Y.: Plenum Publishing Cor., 1981.
7. Levin, Michael, " Rousseau on Independence", Political Studies, 18 : 4 (1970) 496--513.
8. MacAdam, Jim. "Rousseau`s Contract with and Without His Inequality", Interpretation 12:2 (Sep.1984) 175--285.
9. Riley, Patrick, "A Possible Explanation of Rousseau`s General Will", American Political Science Review 64: 1 (March 1970): 86--97.
10. Runciman, W.G. and A.K. Sen. "Games, Justice and the General Will". Mind, 74: 293~296 (1965): 354~361.
11. Sherover, Charles M., "Rousseau`s Civil Religion", Interpretation 8: 2 (May, 1980) 114-122. |