Reference: | 參考書目
二、 英文書目
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37. Nakamura, Robert T. and Smallwood, Frank, The Politics of Policy Implementation. New-York: St. Martin`s, 1980.
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43. Pressman, Jeffrey L. and Wildavsky, Aaron B. Implementation, Berkerly, California: University of California Press, 1984.
44. Rein, Martin, From Policy to Practice, London: Macmillan, 1983.
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46. Ripley, Randall B. and Franklin Grace A, Bureaucracy and Policy Implementation, Homewood, Ill: Dorsey, 1982.
47. Rourke, Francis E. Bureaucracy, Politics and Public Policy. boston: Little, Brown, 1984.
48. Sabatier, Paul A. and Mazmanian, Daniel A. "Policy Implementation" in Encyclopedia of Policy studies, pp. 143-169. Edited by Stuart S. Nagel. New York: Marcel Dekker.
49. Sabatier, Paul A. "Top-Down and Bottom-Up Aproaches to Implementation Research: a Critical analysis and Suggested Synthesis", Journal of Public Policy, Vol 6, No. 1, 1986, pp. 21-48.
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54. Van Horn, Carl E. Policy Implementation in the Federal System, Lexington, Mass: Health, 1979.
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63. Disseration Abstracts International, Vol 46 No. 05 (November) 1985, p. 2613 A.
64. _____, Vol 46 No. 03 (September) 1985 p 3035 A. |