Reference: | 參考書目 中文部分: 1.林煜宗,何文賢,「台灣證券發行市場股票承銷之研究」,證券管理,民國74年9月,pp.7-27。 2林煜宗,「現代投資學-制度、理論與實證」,修訂3版。自印,民國74年8月。
英文部分: 1. C.W. Smith, Jr., "Alternative Methods for Raising Capital: Rights Versus Underwritten Offering," Journal of Financial Economics, 5 (December 1977), pp.273-307. 2. Chin-Shun Wu, Essays on Contractual Relationship in New Issue Underwritings, Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1986. 3. D.P. Baron, "The Incentive Problem and the Design of Investment Banking Contracts," Journal of Banking and Finance, 3 (1979), pp.157-75. 4. D.P. Baron and B. Holmstrom, "The Investment Banking Contract For New Issues Under Asymmetric Information: Delegation and the Incentive Problem," Journal of Finance, 35 (December 1980), pp.1115-38. 5. D.P. Baron, "A Model of the Demand for Investment Banking Advising and Distribution Services for New Issues,`` Journal of Finance 4 ( 1982), pp. 955-76. 6. G. Mandelker and A. Raviv, "Investment Banking: An Economic Analysis of Optimal Underwriting Contracts," Journal of Finance , 32 (June 1977), pp.683-94. 7. M.H. Riordan and D.E.M. Sappington, "Information, Incentives and Organizational Mode," Working Paper at Bell Communications Research and Stanford University, November 1984. 8. R.G. Ibottson, "Price Performance of Common Stock New Issues," Journal of Financial Economics, 2 (September 1975), pp.235-72. 9. R. Rees, "The Theory of Principal and Agent," Discussion Paper No.627, Department of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, J.L. Kellogg, 1985. 10. S.L. Hayes, III, A.M. Spence, and D. Van Praag Marks, Competition in the Investment Banking, Harvard University Press, 1983. 11. W. Robertson, "Future Shock at Margon Stanley, " Fortune , (27 February 1979), pp.82-86, 88, 90, 92. |