Reference: | 參考書目 一、中文部份: 中華民國管理科學學會,協助中小企業改進生產及物門管理制度,民國75年,PP.- 王炅良,規劃系統在汽車中心工廠應用上之研究,未出版碩士論文,國立工業技術學院,民國74年 台北市電腦商業同業工會,軟體採購指南,民國76年,4月電腦軟體展。 李瑟、羅錦裕,中小企業在劣勢中奮進,天下雜誌,民國76年,3月號,PP.56-60 沈藝揚,如何發展MRP之追蹤需求在管理資訊系統中之應用,未出版碩士論文,國立工業技術學院,民國70年 周新安,存貨管理系統電腦化評估模式之研究,未出版碩士論文,國立中山大學,民國71年 林聰明,邱煥能,門診中小企業的物料管理,管理雜誌,第124期,PP.113-121 許總欣,?以微電腦為基礎的產品結構設計?,中國工業工程學刊,第三卷,第一期,民國72年,PP.1-18 ──,MRP系?下之生產進度控制方法研究,未出版博士論文,國立政治大學,民國75年 范文拯,物料需求規劃中物料結構表對展開時間的影響研究,未出版碩士論文,國立清華大學,民國72年 張萬子,物料需求規劃系統的批量問題,未出版碩士論文,國立清華大學,民國71年 張文錦,系統績效及其決定因素之研究,未出版碩士論文,國立政治大學,民國72年 陳文生,MRP系統在製造與裝配工廠上之應用研究,未出版碩士論文,國立交通大學,民國69年 資訊傳真社,?電腦化大全──套裝軟體索引?,民國76年,PP.289-297 資訊工業策進會,?軟體選用手冊──七十五年版(微電腦)?,民國75年, PP.3-1~3-513 賴順德,物料需求規劃中節省儲存空間之研究,未出版碩士論文,國立清華大學,民國72年 賴香菊,?物料需求計劃?,未出版碩士論文,國立政治大學,民國70年 蔡賜福等,?MRP在PC上之應用~個案研究?,工業技術學院,管理技街第十七期,74年,PP.49-66 洪水炎等,?以微電腦為基礎之物料需求計劃系統?,系統技術學院管理技術第十七期,74年,PP.67-87 經濟部中小企業處,?經濟部中小企業處輔導工作報告?,民國75年,P8
二、英文部份: A. F. Metzger, `MRP II : Practical and Implementation`, Production and Inventory Management. Second Quarter, 1984, PP. 49-60 Anderson, J. C. et. al., "Material Requirements Planning Systems the State of the Art`, Production and Inventory Managesent, Fourth Quarter, 1982, PP. 51-66 Ashok Rao, `Manufacturing Systems Implementation : Agenda for Top Management`, Production and Inventory Management, First Quarter, 1985, PP. 88-101 Avi Rushinek and Sara F. Rushinek, "Production and Inventory Management Software Packages Related to User Reactions`. Production and Inventory Management, First Quarter, 1986, PP. 75–83 Auerbach Editorial Staff, "Computer Performance Evaluation", Auerbach Publishers Inc. 1986, PP. 1-8 Basheer M. Khumawala, Charles Hixon and Japhet S. Law, "MRPI In Service Industries`. Production and Inventory Management. Third Quarter, 1986, PP. 57–63 Billy B. Bowers, "Production Costing in The MRP Enviroment`, Production and Inventory Management, Second Quarter, 1983, PP. 145-153 C. Martin Antisdale, "How to Determine the Shipping Date of an Unexpected Order: A case Study", 1984 Conference Proceeding of APICS. Reading in Material and Capacity Requirements Planning, PP. 57-60 David A. Meyer, why Not a Micro ?", 1984 conference Proceeding of APICS. Reading in Computers and Software, PP. 1-3 Dennis R. Stevenson, "Applications of Microcomputers in Manufacturing Management", SME Technical Papers, 1985, PP. 2-23-2-32 E.M. "Mac" Barnett, `Education-The Key To Success`, 1981 Conference Proceeding of APICS. PP. 135-136 Everett J. Manning, "MRP and Kanban-American Style", 1983 of APICS Conference Proceeding, PP. 596-598 Gary Stix, "Manufacturing-Resource Planning Keeps You On Time, On Target", Computer Decisions, October, 1984, PP. 142-164 Gerhard Plenert, "MRP, JIT, And OPT: What is the "Best" 7", Production and Inventory Management, Second Quarter, 1986, PP. 22-28 Glenn T. Wilson, "KANBAN Scheduling--Boon or Bane 7", Production and Inventory Management, Third Quarter, 1985, PP. 134-141 Hal F. Mather, "Design, Bill of Materials, and Forcasting -- The Inseparable Threesome". Production and Inventory Management, First Quarter, 1986, PP. 215-228 Horst J. Paul, "Micro MRP II for Small Manufacturing Companies` , 1983 Conference Proceeding of APICS, PP. 131-134 H P AMAPS/ 3000 (Advanced Manufacturing Accounting and Production system), 1984 1. Eduction is Your Key To Success 2. System Synopsis 3. Informational Requirements H P MAP/3000 (Manufacturing Accounting and Production), 1985 IBM COPICS (Communications Oriented Production Information and control System), March, 1972, 由Volume I ~ Volume V III 共八冊 _____, "System Data Base`, New York, 1972, PP. 46-60 _____, `Engineering and Production data Control`, New York, 1972, PP. 8-17 IBM System/34. MAPICS (Manufacturing Accounting and Production Information control System), April, 1980 1. Production control and Costing 2. Material Requirement Planning Ira P. Krepchin, "What Do You Mean by "Just-In-Time" ?", Modern Materials Handling, Aug. 1986, PP. 93-95 Jeff Howard. "The Future Direction of Packaged Manufacturing Software`, 1984 conference Proceeding, Reading in Computer and Software, PP. 48-52 Jerome J. Groen, "A Micrownputer-Based Rough Cut Resource Plan System", 1983 Conference Proceeding of APICS, PP. 138-141 Jim Cantwell, "The How and Why of Cycle Counting : The ABC Method , Production and Inventory Management, Second Quarter, 1985 , PP. 50-54 John H. Blackstone and James F. Cox, "MRP Design and Implementation Issues for Small Manufactures`. Production and Inventory Management. Third Quarter, 1985, PP. 65-76 -----------, "Are Small Manufactures Ready for MRP 1984 Conference Proceeding of APICS, Reading in Material and Capacity Requirements Planning, PP. 3-6 --------------, "Selecting MRP Software for Small Business", Production and Inventory Management, Fourth Quarter, 1985, PP. 42-49 John G. Reddoch, "How to Count a Cycle`, 1982 Conference. Proceeding of APICS, PP 50-53 John H. Blackstone and James F. Cox, "MRP Design and Implementation Issues for Small Manufactures`. Production and Inventory Management. Third Quarter, 1985, PP. 65-76 _____, "Are Small Manufactures Ready for MRP 1984 Conference Proceeding of APICS, Reading in Material and Capacity Requirements Planning, PP. 3-6 Joseph Orlicky, Material Requirement Planning , McGrawHill, New York, 1975 Lowrence Stevens, "MRP II, A Flawed savior ?, Computer decisions, December, 1986, PP. 43-46 Matthew J. Liberatore, George J. Titus and Lance J. Naber, "Microcomputer Systems for Manufacturing Planning and Control" , Computer & Operations Reaserch, 13 (2/3), 1986, PP. 261-275 Mehran Sepehri, "Newest Manufacturing Software Packages Offer Modules which Meet Specialized Needs`, Industrial Engineering , 0ctober, 1985, PP. 28-43 Meredith C. Adkins, "Microcomputer Audit Guide`, Journal of Systems Management, September, 1986, PP. 22-27 Mer le P. Martin and James E. Trumbly, "Measuring Performance of Automated Systems", Journal of Systems Management, Feberary , 1986, PP. 7-17 M. Hossein Safizadeh and Feraidoon Raafat, `Forma l/Informal Systems and MRP Implementation`, Production and Inventory Management. First Quarter, 1986, PP. 115-121 Michael G. Rubin, `A Microcomputer-Based Material Management Systems for Small Manufacturing Firms`, Industrial Engineering. June, 1986, PP. 54-59 Nolan W. Rhea, "Trends in Manufacturing Software`, Material Handling Engineering, May, 1986, PP. 76–83 Oliver Wight, - MRP II : Unlock_American Productivity , 1981 (華泰翻印,1985) Patrick C. Galvin, "Visions and Realities : MRP as "System", Production and Inventory Management. Third Quarter, 1986, ΡΡ. 91-95 Paul A. Bernard, `Cycle Counting : The Missing Link`, Production and Inventory Management, Fourth Quarter, 1985, PP. 27~40 Paul M. Elliot, "Nonsignificant Part Numbering : The Better Choice for MRP". Production and Inventory Management, Fourth Quarter, 1985, PP. 102-108 Philip S. Chong, "System Combines Manufacturing Resource Planning And Decision Support Approach", Industrial engineering, 0ctober, 1985, PP.. 72-81 Ralph L. Kliem, `0`vercoming User Resistance to Microcomputers` , Administrative Management, May, 1986, PP. 52-54 R. Lawrence LaForge and Wanessa L. Stur, "MRP Practices in a in a Random Sample of Manufacturing Firms`. Production and Inventory Management, Third Quarter, 1986, PP. 129-136 Robert A. Abair and Philip F. Helle, "Capacity Planning : A Common Sense Approach to Manufacturing Planning`, 1984 Reading in Material and Capacity Requirement planning, PP. 65-67 Robert B. Vollum, "Cost Accounting --The Key to Capturing Cost Information on The Factory Floor", 1982 Conference Proceeding of APICS, PP. 582-585 Robert I. Millard, MRP Is None of The Above`, Production. and Inventory Management, First Quarter, 1985, PP. 22-29 Robert Lundrigan, `What is This Thing Called OPT 7", Production and Inventory Management. Second Quarter, 1986, PP. 2-11 Steven D. Seilheimer. "The Effect of the Evolution Hardware and Software on Computer Consul ting ` , Journal of Systems Management, October, 1986, PP. 34-37 Thomas E. Vollmann, `OPT as an Enhancement to MRPI`, Production and Inventory Management, Second Quarter, 1986, PP. 38-47 William D. Hamel ink, "Toward Quality Schedules", 1984 Conference Proceeding of APICS, Reading in Material and Capacity Requirements Planning, PP. 15-16 William L. Montgomery, "Let`s Really Use Bills of Material `, 1982 Conference Proceeding of AP ICS, PP. 105-107 |