Reference: | 參考書目 一、未出版論文與中文書籍 l.陳俊卿撰,當前我國會計師財務簽證缺失之研究,國立政治大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國七十五年一月。 2.胡岡霖撰,從審計觀點論風險之形成與控制,私立東吳大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國七十三年七月。 3.康淑珍撰,審計憑證品質與審計風險之研究,國立政治大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國七十年六月。 4.Meigs,Whittington & Meigs(Principles of Auditing :1985),汪泱若譯,審計學,譯者刊行,民國七十五年八版。
二、中文期刊 l.林柄滄,「會計師請注意,你該有效降低審計風險」,會計研究月刊第四期,民國七十五年一月,頁82.~87. 2.林柄滄,「分析性檢查及季報核閱」,眾信崇慶會計,民國七十二年十月,頁10.~16. 3.陳秋芳,「企業倒閉與會計師責任之關連」,致遠會計第三期,民國七十四年六月,頁1.~3. 4.張翠玲譯,「美國會計師避免業務過失被控訴之道」,會計師會訊第三十期,民國七十二年十二月,頁10.~15. 5.孫曼蘋‧姜雪影,「平心檢視會計師形象」,天下雜誌第五十一期,民國七十五年八月,頁80.~84.
三、英文書籍 1. AICPA, Professional Standards volume A, 台北:天一圖書公司印行,民國七十四年 2. AICPA, Professional Standards Volume B, Commerce Clearing Hource, 1984. 3. Walter B. Meigs, O. Ray Whittington and Robert F. Meigs, Principles of Auditing, 8th edition, 1985 (台北,中央圖書供應社,1985)
四、英文期刊 1. Bailey, Larry P., "Impact of SAS-39 on Nonstatistical Sampling," The CPA Journal, June 1982, PP. 38-47. 2. Barnett, Andrew H., and William J. Read, "Sampling in Small Business Audit," Journal of Accountancy , January 1986, PP. 78–88. 3. Berliner, Robert W., "Materiality and Audit Risk-Sharpening the Focus, " The CPA Journal, June 1983, PP. 10-18. 4. Blocher, Edward, "Approaching Analytical Review, The CPA Journal, March 1983, PP. 24-32. 5. Bremser, Wayne G., "Acceptance and Continuance of Clients," The CPA Journal, October 1980, PP. 29-35. 6. Bremser, Wayne G., "Peer Review: Enhancing Quality Control," Journal of Accountancy, October 1983, PP. 78-88. 7. Brunfield, Craig A., Robert K. Elliott, and Peter D. Jacobson , "Business Risk and the Audit Risk" , Journal of Accountancy, April 1983, PP. 60-68. 8. Cockburn, Donald J., "Assessing the Auditors` Initial Assessment of PPE" , CA Magazine, September 1984, PP. 92-93. 9. Graham, Lynford E., "Analytical Review Techniques: Some Neglected Tools" , The CPA Journal, October 1981, PP. 18-24. 10. Graham, Lynford E., "Audit Risk Part I, II, III, IV, V " The CPA Journal, August 1985, PP. 12–21, September 1985, PP. 34-40, October 1985, PP. 36–43, November 1985, PP. 38–45, December 1985, PP. 26–33. 11. Gunn, John D., "Does statistical sampling have a place in auditing?" CA Magazine, March 1983, PP. 86-88. 12. Gunn, John D., "One approach to audit sampling", CA. Magazine, May 1983, PP. 84–87. 13. Haskins, Mark E., and Robert L. Henarie, "Attributes and Audit Impact of Client`s Control Environment ". The CPA Journal, July 1985, PP. 18–26. 14. Kneer, Dan C., and Kurt Pany, "SAS 43-Explanation and Analysis" , The CPA Journal, August 1983, PP. 38-43. 15. Holder, William W., and Sheryl Collmer, "Analytical Review Procedure: New Relevance" , The CPA Journal, November 1980, PP. 29-35. 16. Martin, J. W., "Identifying Critical Internal Controls" , The CPA Journal, September 1980, PP. 41–45. 17. McAllister, John P., and Mark W. Dirsmith, "How the Client`s Business Environment Affects the Audit" , Journal of Accountancy, February 1982, PP. 68-74. 18. McKee, Thomas E., "Development in Analytical Review " , The CPA Journal, January 1982, PP. 36–42. 19. McKee, Thomas E., "Applying SAS 47 Audit Risk Requirement", The Ohio CPA Journal, Spring 1985, PP. 19-23. 20. Munter, Paul, and Thomas E. McCaslin, "Risk and Materiality in an Audit" , The CPA Journal, November 1984, PP. 34-44. 21. Plesser, Daniell, "Audit Risk and Materiality" , The CPA Journal, July 1984, PP. 83-85. 22. Reiter, Carolyn J., "Risk Assessment: An Important Part of the Audit" , CA Magazine, July 1984, PP. 47-49. 23. Stilwell, Martin C., and Robert K. Elliott, "A Model For Expanding The Attest Function" , Journal of Accountancy, May 1985, PP. 66-78. 24. Warren, Carl S., "Audit Risk" , Journal of Accountancy, August 1979, PP. 66–74. 25. Warren, Carl S., Stephen V. N. Yate, and George R. Zuber, "Audit Sampling: A Practical Approach", Journal of Accountancy, January 1982, PP. 62-72. 26. Winters, Alan J., "Avoiding Malpractice Liability Suits" , Journal of Accountancy, August 1981, PP. 69-74. |