Reference: | 參考書目 一、中文部分: 1.王衛恥,海上保險的理論與實務(71年再版) 2.鄭玉波,民法總則(71年版) 債篇總論(72年九版) 債篇各論上下冊(72年七版) 3.施文森,保險法總論(74年修正五版) 保險法論文第一、二集 4.袁宗蔚,保險學(26版) 再保險論(61年版) 5.陳繼堯,再保險論 再保險實務研究 6.陽肇昌,我國保險業當前發展之方向 7.王志鏞,論再保險經紀人之地位及其職責,保險專刊第八輯,(76年6月) 8.逢甲大學保險研究所,再保險資料彙集 9.桂裕,保險法(增訂新版)
二、英文部分: 書籍: 1 . C.E. Golding: "A History of Reinsurance" 2nd ed. (1931) "The Law and Practice of Reinsurance ",4th ed.(1965) 2 . C.I.I. Tuition Service, Stuey Course 290, "The Reinsurance Market" (1981) 3 . Fridman, "Law of Agency", 5th ed.(1983) London, Butterworths. 4 . Hugh Cockerell and Gordon Shaw " Insurance Broking Agency"(1979) London, Witherby. 5 . John S. Butler and Robert M. Merkin, "Reinsurance Law", Kluwer Publishing, London (1986~1987) 6 . John Alan Appleman, "Insurance Law and Practice with Forms" 7. Jorg Finsinger, Elizabeth Hammond and Julian Tapp, "Insurance: Competition or Regulation?"(1985) 8 . Klaus Gerathewhol, "Reinsurance Principles and Practice" Volume I. II.(1980) 9 . Mehr, Cammack, Rose, "Principles of Insurance" 8th ed. (1985) 10. R.L. Carter, "Reinsurance" 2nd ed. (1983) 11. R.C. Reinarz, "Property and Liability Reinsurance Management", 1st ed. (1968) 12. Roderick Clews, "A Textbook of Insurance Braking" B.I.B.A.( 1980) 13. Robert W. Strain, "Reinsurance", College of Insurance, New York (1980) 14. Thompson K., "Reinsurance" 4th ed. (1966)
期刊: 1 . Harold M. Tract : "Liability of Intermediary for Placing Reinsurance with Troubled Reinsurers - The Impact of Regulation No.98 In New York.",from " Insurance & Reinsurance Law International" Magazine, January 1984."Accounting for Reinsurance Primium by Reinsurance Brokers", from "Best`s Review" 2 . John S. Butler: "Brokers - New York Law" from "Reinsurance" Magazine, August 1978. "American Intermediary Clause - Legal Issues." from" Reinsurance" Magazine, September 1978. "Intermediary-which Law?" from "Reinsurance" Magazine, October 1978. "The Intermediary in International Reinsurance" R.O.A. Seminar 1973. 3 . Lothar Sudekum, " The Intermediary in International Reinsurance" R.O.A. Seminar 1973. 4 . Stanford Miller, "The Intermediary in International Reinsurance" R.O.A. Seminar 1973. 5 . Ivor Kiverstein, "The Evolution of Reinsurance Industry in 1980`s" 核保人協會(1985,12,10) |