Reference: | 英文參考書目: 1. Carter, R.L., B.Sc. (Econ,), D. Phil., F.C.I.I., Economics and Insurance, Cheshire: PH Press Ltd. 2. Cockerell, Hugh., and Gordon Shaw, Insurance Broking and Agency, London Witherby and Co., Ltd., First Ed., 1983. 3. Duft, Charles, F.L.I.A., A.C.I.I., Insurance Marketing. Switzerland: Swiss Reinsurane Company, First Ed., 1983. 4. Edited by Nigel Dyer BA, FCII and Roger Anderson ASc(Econ), Marketing Insurance, Great Britain, Kluewer Publishing Ltd., 1986. 5. Edited by Roderick Clews, FCII, FCIArb, AIAS. A Textbook of Insurance Broking. London: Woodhead-Faulkner, First Ed., 1980. 6. Harrari, Jean-Claude. Insurance and Marketing. Edited and Translated by Neil Cruckford. Surrvey: Unwin Brother Limited Old Working, 1986. 7. Kolter, Philip, Principles of Marketing, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall A Division of Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1986. 8. Legal and Economic Aspects of Insurance, London, CII Tutition, No.52. 9. Lorimer, James J., et. Al., The Legal Enronment of Insurance, 3 ed., Pennsylvania: American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters, 1987, Volume 1. 10. Walters, C. Glenn, Ph.D. and Blaise J. Bergiel, D.B.A., Marketing Channels, 2 ed., Glenview, Illinois, Scott: Foresman and Company, 1982. 11. Webb, Bernaerd L., CPCU, FCAS, et. Al., Insurance Company Operations. Pennsylvania: American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters, 1984, Volume 1. 12. Stern, Louis W., and Adel I. El-Ansary, Marketing Channels, New Jersey: prentice-Hall, Inc., 1977.
中文參考書目: 1. 何雍慶、周逸衡著,行銷管理,台北:華泰書局,民國七十五年五版。 2. 許是祥譯,行銷學通論,台北:中華企管發展中心,民國七十六年二版。 3. 許士軍著,現代行銷管理,台北:許士軍,民國七十三年版。 4. 郭崑謨著,行銷管理,台北:三民書局,民國七十五年二版。 5. 鄭濟世著,保險業之監督與管理,財團法人保險事業發展中心印,民國七十六年一月。
英文期刊部分: 1. Business Insurance, June 22, 1987, pp3-4. 2. Cochrane, Bruce., CIC, and Somerville, Douglas., CPCU, “Mass Marketing”, American Agent and Broker, November 1987, pp.22-23, 69-71. 3. Cater, David A., Ph.D., “A Marketing Comparison of Independent Agency and Direct Writer Insurers,” CPCU JOURNAL, Sep. 1986, pp.151-162. 4. Doyle, Dennis. “Selling Insurance with Financial Institutions,” American Agent and Broker, May 1984, pp.66, 70-74. 5. G. Manes, Michael, “Selling Service Versus product,” Best’s Review, Sep. 1987, pp.72-73, 78. 6. “Insurance Marketing Review,” National Underwriter, July 20, 1987, pp. 10-16. 7. “Insurance Marketing Review,” National Underwriter, July 18, 1986, pp. 20-21. 8. J. Greene, Donald., and Boisseau, Jane. “Where Does a Broker’s Liability End?”, Best’s Review, August 1987, Volume 88, No.4, pp.44-48, 104-106. 9. Loos, Pamela, “Selling in Banks: The Ongoing Experiment,” Best’s Review, Feb. 1987, Volume 87, No.10, pp.22-30, 88, 90. 10. M. Thompson, Bert. “The Liability of Insurance Agents and Brokers,” The Forum 17 (1981-1982); 1054-1059. 11. “Property and Casualty / Employee Benefits,” National Underwriter, July 20, 1987, pp.75-78. 12. Tbeadgo, Charles R., “Banking on Service,” Best’s Review, Feb. 1987, Volume 87, No 10, pp.46-50. 13. Rubin, Harvey W., “Marketing Strategy to Cover Fixed Expenses of The Property / Casualty Agency, CPCU Journal, June 1986, pp123-125. 14. Toivonen, Dennis W., “Agents and Banks: Acting in Concert,” Best’s Review, Sep. 1986, Volume 86, No.5, PP.50-54, 100.
中文期刊部分: 王昭明,保險事業與經濟發展,財團法人保險事業發展中心,保險專刊,第十二輯,七十七年六月。 林治平譯,保險之行銷策略,保險之行銷組續與績效控制,保險專刊,第七輯,六十七年三月,頁113-123。 Arthur Meidan, "Marketing Strategies, Organization and Performance Control in Insurance", The Journal of Riskand Insurance, September,XLIX, No. 3, PP. 388-484. 陳瑞,產險行銷,保險專刊,第九輯,七十六年九月,頁41-45。 陳瑞,強化行銷管理健全業務招攬制度,七十七年五月。 陳益茂、簡松棋、吳家錄與王傳通合著,考察日本、新加坡及菲律賓三國保險研究訓練報告書,財團法人保險事業發展中心編印,中華民國七十四年九月。 廖述文,日本有關保險招攬管理辦法概述,保險專刊,第九輯,七十六年九月,頁74-88。 鄒政下,淺談保險監理,保險專刊,第八輯,七十六年六月,頁4-18。 鄭燦堂,行銷在產物保險公司之意義及應用,保險專刊,第十一輯,七十七年三月。 各國產物保險市場概況,台北市產物保險商業同業公會,六十一年。 |