Reference: | 參考書目 一、中文部分 (一)書籍 1. 馮拙人譯,審計學原理第八版(台北市:大中圖書公司,民國七十四年)。 2. 顏月珠,商用統計學再修訂五版(台北:三民書局,民國七十八年)。 3. 87/88 台灣區企業名錄(台北:中華徵信所,民國七十八年)。 4. 林清山,心理學與教育統計學十四版(台北:東華書局,民國七十七年)。
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(二)期刊 1.Reed, Roland; Nurray , Dennis; Murray, Lucy, "Compilations and Reviews-Gaining Acceptance" CPA Journal ,Feb. 1989, PP.10~15. 2.Michele L. Marra Willam J. Rading, "Audit, Compilation or Review", The National Public Accountant,April.1987, PP.30~32. 3.Collins, Stephen H. "Malpractice Prevention and Risk Management". The Journal of Accountancy, July. 1986,PP.52~58. 4.Colomon, Kenneth Ira;Chazen, charlex;and Miller,Richark L., Jr. "Compilation and Review: The Safety Factor."The Journal of Accountancy, July. 1983, PP.50~58. 5.Wilbur Rhea Clark, "The Role of Unauditing", The National Public Accountant, April. 1986, PP.32~38. 6.Niller. Robert D. "Compilation and Review: Standard`s Impact on Risk. "The Journal of Accountancy,July. 1983,PP.60~74. 7.Clay, John R.; Guy, Dan M.; and Meals, Dennis R. "Solving Compilation and Review Pracice Problems."The Journal of Accountancy, Sep. 1980, PP.74~83. 8.Dirkes, Kenneth J. and Deming, John R. "Audit, Compilation or Review?" (Accounting and Auditing) The CPA Journal, April. 1980, PP.85~89. 9.Weirich, Thomas R. and Pinter, George M. "Interpretationand Flowchart of SSARS No.1, " The Journal of Accountancy, Nov. 1979, PP.60~65. 10.Gregory, Wm. R. "Unaudited, But OK? " The Journal of Accountancy, Feb 1978, PP.61~65. 11.Chazen, Charles, "Unaudited Financial Statemen . "The Journal of Accountancy, Nov. 1975, PP.88~91.
(三)未出版論文 1.Hartgraves, alonzo Lee, Jr. "A study of The Role and Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants in the Preparation of Unaudited Financial Statements." Ph. D. dissertation, University of Georgia, 1975 2.Reed, Ronald Owen "A Study of Accountant`s Procedures Performed And Banker`s Perception of Procedure Performed in Compilations And Reviews of Financial Statements.". Ph. D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 1981. |