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二、英文資料 書籍: 1. Arnercian Banker Association:"The Conununity Bankers`Insurance Buying Guide", 2 nd ed. ( 1981 ) 2. Arnold W. Sametz:"The Emerging Financial Industry". (1984) 3. David S. Kidwell & Richard L. Peterson:"Finamcial Institution, Market & Money". 4. D.G. Hanson:"Service Banking", 2nd ed, (1982) . 5. Federal Reserve press release, (1990). 6. Frank P. Johnson & Richard D. Johnson:"Conunerical Bank Management", 1st ed. 7. Gart Alan:"Banks, Thrifts and Insurance company:surviving the 1980s". (1985) 8. James L. Athearn & S. Travis Pritchett:"Risk & Insurance", 5th ed. 9. Mark R. Greene & James S. Treschmann:"Risk & Insurance". 10. Robert E. Keeton:"Basic Text On Insurance Law". 11. Senator Martin M. Solomon:"Result of Nationwide Mailing Regarding Consumer Protection Provisions in State Legislation, Laws & Regulations which Expand Banking Authority to include Insurance Business" (1989). 12. Statement From National Association Of Professional Insurance Agents. 13. Williams H. Banghn & Charls E. Walker:"The Bankers` Hand Book", 2nd ed. 期刊: 1. Alan C. HAHN :"Is there A Greener Side" from "Bank Marketing" Magazine, Feb. 1986. 2. Barbara Casassue:"Getting Married" from "The Banker" Magazine,May, 1989 3. Carter H. Golembe and David S. Holland:"Federal Regulation of Banking". (1983-1984) 3. Christopher M. Dawson:"Banking & Insurance; Avoiding the Stumbling Blocks " from "Bank Administration" Magazine, March 1986. 4. Collin Canright:"Selling Insurance" from "Bank Administmation" Magazine, Aug. 1989. 5. Golin Jones:"A more Productive Relationship" from "The Banker" Magazine, May 1989. 6. Jeromer R. Corsi:"Bank & Life Insurance: A meeting of two financial culture" from "Bank Marketing" Magazine, April 1984. 7. Jeromes R. Crosi:"strategies for Insurance Profit" from "Bank Administration" Magazine, Oct. 1989. 8. Johnthan Burton:"On to New Turf" from "The Banker" Magazine, May 1989. 9. Manuel Boger & Richard Spence:"Bank Supply Versus Insurance Demand" from "Reaction" Magazine, Oct.1988. 10. Mark P. Stevens:"Are there Gaps In your Banks Insurance Protection" from "Independent Banker" Magazine, Sept. 1987. 11. Michael Blanden:"Whose foot in the door" from "The Banker" Magazine, May 1989. 12. Michael F. Crotty:"Insurance Borders Remain Hazy" from "ABA Banking Journal", Apr.. 1988. 13. Paul Equale:"Just Say No .... to Bank In Insurance" from "Best`s Review" Magazine, Sept. 1988. 14. R. Daniel Pace: "Financial Deregulation - The Meeting of Banking & Insurance Agency Activities" from "Issues in Bank Regulation" Magazine, Summer 1989. 15. Renald Brownstein:"Bankers, Brokers and! Insurers minding each others` Business" from "Independent Banker" Magazine, Sept. 1983. 16. Richard C. Clarke:"The Fandamental of Bank Insurance Coverage" from "Bank Administration" Magazine, Feb. 1988. 17. Robert Macdonald:"Banker and Insurers: Logical Allies" from "The Banker" Manazine, Jan. 1985. 18. Robert M. Shafton & Donald D. Gabay:"The Banking Outlook for Diversification into Insurance" from "The Banker" Magazine, Jan.-Feb. 1985. 19. Robert W. Casey:"Keeping the Banks At Bay" from "Insurance Review" Magazine, July 1988. 20. Sandra Grant Carcione: "One-Stop Banking Centers" from "united States Banker" Magazine, Feb.1988 21. Sophie M. Koroyk:"How Real is Bank Appeal" from "Best`s Review" Magazine, Sept. 1989. 22. World Insurance Report, Wir 306,307,313,318,328,331,334,335,343,1987~1988/7. |