Reference: | 第一章註解 註一:林震岩,「終端使用者應用」管理策略之研究,政大企研博士論文,民國80 年。 註二Computer Decisions, “Do You Mis-use Your Micro?”,, November , 1983 , PP.60-62. 註三(同上)
第二章註解: 註一:Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, 1980 . 註二:徐木蘭,辦公室革命,天下雜誌。 註三:同註二。 註四:資策會,辦公室自動化之目標與推展方法,資策會。 註五:陳博琦,企業電腦化之組織與系統因素對企業績效之研究,工技碩士論文,民國77 年。 註六:林震岩,終端使用者應用策略之研究,政大企研所博士論文,民國80 年。 註七:同註五。 註八: Office Administration and Automation, "Many Managers and Executives Resist Computer", June 1985, P.7. 註九: Havard Business Review, "What Happened to the Computer Revolution? ", Nov.-Dec. 1985 , PP.129-137. 註十:Gold field Randy J., Modern Office Technology , "Aiming OA Toward s the Top", Feb. 1985, PP.55-63. 註十一:Roth, Terrence, Wall Street Journal, "Finished at Forty", Dec. 16, 1985, P.43C. 註十二: Computer Decisions, "Pacifying High Level Resistors", Feb. 12, 1985, PP.136-144. 註十三: Brod, Craig, Technostress, "The Human Cost of the Computer Revolution". 註十四: Trost Cathy, "The Price of Progress", Wall Street Journal, Dec. 16, 1985, P.34C 註十五: Business Horizons, "Dealing with Resistance to Change", Jul.-Aug. 1983, PP.74-79. 註十六:同註十 註十七:Computer Decisons, "Do you Mis-use Your Micro? ", Nov. 1983, PP.60-62.21
第三章註解 註一: Mintzberg, Henry, "The Manager`s Job, Folklore and Fact", Havard Business Review , Jul.-Aug. 1975, PP.49-61. 註二:Dr. Michael S.Y. Wang, New Technologies For Today`s Management Industitute For Information Industry. 註三:同註二
第四章註解 註一:資策會,資訊工業年鑑,民國78年。 |