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二、英文部分: 1. Arnold F. Shapiro,"Contributions to the Evolution of Pension Cost Analysis", The Journal of Risk and Insurance,(1985). 2. Dan M. McGill,and Donald S. Grubbs,Jr., Fundamentals of Private Pensions, 4th ed, Homewood, Ill: Richard D. Irwin, Inc, 1979. 3. Everett T. Allen, Joseph J. Melone, Jerry S. Rosenbloom, Jack L. Vanderhei, Pension Planning, 6th ed., Homewood Ill: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1988. 4. Griffin, F.L., Jr., "Concepts of Adequacy in Pension Plans", Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Vol.XVIII (1966), pp . 46- 63. 5. Fleischer, D.R., "The Forecast Fund Method for Pension Plans." Transcations of the Society of Actuaries, Vol. XXVII (1975). 6. Howard E. Winklevoss, Pension Mathematics with Numerical Illustrations, Homewood Ill: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1977. 7. Howard E. Winklevoss, "Plasm: Pension Liability and Asset Simulation Mode]", The Journal of Finance.(May 1982). 8. Manly, H.W., "On Staff Pension Funds: The Process of the Accumulation of the Funds; The Identity of a Valuation with the Future Progress of a Fund; The Manner of Dealing with Funds Which are Insolvent; and Sundry Observation", Joural of the Institute of Actuaries, Vo1.XLVI (1912). 9. Robert J. Schnitzer, "The Forcast Valuation Method: Discussion", Transations of the Actuarial Society of Actuaries, Vol.XXVII (1975). 10.Schnitzer, R.J., "Characteristics and Operation of Projection Valuation Methods for Pension Plan Funding", Transations of the Society of actuaries, Vol. XXIX (1977). 11.Winklevoss, H.E., and Shapiro, A.F. "Estimating the Cost of Vesting in Pension Plans", Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Vol.XXIV (1973). l2.Winklevoss, H.E., "Cost Sensitivity Analysis of Mandatory Funding and Vesting Standards in Pens ion Plans", Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. XLI (March 1974). |