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Title: | 實體門市經驗與自我效能感對消費者網路購買之調節模式: 以雄獅旅行社為例 The Moderating Mechanism of Self-efficacy and Consumer’s Physical Store Visit Experience in Online Buying: An Empirical Study of Lion Travel Service Co. |
Authors: | 蔡博先 Tsai, Bo Hsien |
Contributors: | 白佩玉 Pai, Pei Yu 蔡博先 Tsai, Bo Hsien |
Keywords: | 網站設計 線上顧客口碑 關係行銷 實體門市造訪經驗 自我效能感 Website Design Online customer review Relational marketing Physical store visiting experience Self-efficacy |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-02 14:04:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球旅遊人口已到達一年11億人次,對於旅遊服務業的廠商可說是商機無限。本研究以台灣上市公司-雄獅旅行社為例,探討消費者在面對擁有實體門市與線上通路的旅遊服務業者時,其網路購買模式的變化。研究中將消費者購買決策分為三階段:一、認知:網站設計、線上顧客口碑,二、態度:線上滿意度、線上信任度,三、意圖:再購意願。並以消費者造訪實體店經驗與自我效能感的個人特質,作為影響購買歷程的調節變項。研究中以網路問卷調查法,透過雄獅旅行社顧客資料庫發放問卷,共蒐集有效樣本634份,以AMOS 21的結構方程模式進行資料分析,驗證網站設計、線上顧客口碑會顯著影響消費者滿意與信任的態度,並產生再購的忠誠意圖。根據研究結果提出以下結論:首先、擁有實體門市與線上通路廠商,應重視消費者在實體門市的造訪經驗,因其會強化線上顧客口碑對線上滿意與線上信任的影響效果,同時也強化線上滿意與線上信任對再購意願的影響效果;第二、網站設計對於線上購物扮演重要的關鍵角色,因其會影響消費者產生線上滿意與線上信任;第三、線上顧客口碑能為虛擬通路的消費者帶來信任與滿意。本研究末根據研究發現提出管理意涵與未來研究建議,供實務與學術參考。 There are 1.1 billion people travel overseas in the world. Hence, this is an infinite business opportunity for travel agency industry. This study took Lion Travel Service Co., a listed corporation in Taiwan, for instance to explore the mechanism differences when customer confronting a travel agency with physical stores and virtual channels. The study separated customer’s buying decision into three phases: 1. Cognition: website design, online customer review; 2. Attitude: online customer satisfaction, online customer trust; 3. Intention: repurchase intention. In addition, there were two moderators, which were customer physical store visiting experience and self-efficacy of personal trait, put among the three buying stages.
The empirical study used online questionnaire survey method and picked up samples from database of Lion Travel Service Co. In the end, the study collected 634 effective screening samples, which were analyzed by using AMOS 21 to verify website design and online customer review had significant effect on attitude of customer satisfaction and trust, and then the attitude formed the loyal intention of repurchasing. Based on this study, the following consequences were offered. First, businesses who both had brick-and-mortar stores and virtual channels should give weight to the customer’s experience of physical store visiting, since it strengthened the significant effect from online customer review to online customer satisfaction and online customer trust. In the meantime, the physical store visiting experience could also strengthen the significant effect from online customer satisfaction and online customer trust to repurchasing intention. Second, website design played a significant role on the online purchasing, because it would influence customers to make online customer satisfaction and online customer trust. Third, online customer review could bring trust and satisfaction to customers in virtual channels.
According to the findings, practical implications and future research suggestions were proposed in the end of the study for practical and academic references. 謝辭 1
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 緒論 8
第一節 研究背景與動機 8
第二節 研究目的 13
第三節 研究流程 13
第二章 文獻回顧 14
第一節 網站設計 14
第二節 線上顧客口碑 16
第三節 關係行銷 19
第四節 自我效能感 25
第三章 理論架構與研究方法 28
第一節 研究架構 28
第二節 研究假設 29
第三節 研究情境與操作性定義 32
第四節 資料蒐集 34
第五節 資料分析方法 36
第四章 資料分析與研究結果 37
第一節 預試樣本及結果 37
第二節 正式問卷資料與結果 40
第三節 假說驗證 43
第五章 結論與建議 50
第一節 研究結論 50
第二節 研究發現 50
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 53
參考文獻 54
中文參考資料 54
西文參考資料 54
附件一 預試填答邀請郵件 61
附件二 邀請填答正式問卷郵件 62
附件三 mySurvey平台問卷 63 |
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