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    Title: 中國大陸醫療器材法規與監督管理制度之研究
    A Study on Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices in China
    Authors: 尹其言
    Yin, Chi Yen
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen Chieh
    Yin, Chi Yen
    Keywords: 醫療器材法律體系
    regulations of medical devices
    rules of medical device
    supervisory and administration of medical devices
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-05-02 13:57:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 醫療器材法律規章與監督管理制度的探討,能夠教育社會大眾遵守法律、保障醫療器材產品品質、維持市場公平競爭、保障人們使用安全和身體健康。進而對於整體醫療器材產業,可以在面對法律問題之前的法律責任、行為規則、違法情形以及類推適用作為憑據和參考。
    This study aimes to determine the regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices which is able to educate citizen to complying with the law, ensuring the quality of medical products, maintaining fair competition in the market, protecting the safety and health of people utilization. Furthermore, according to the breadth and complexity of the industry, this proposal can be directed rules as reference in case encountered juridic liability, legal issues or wrongful circumstances before acquired appreciable support from counsellor.
    The research topics of this article are (1) Examining the draft laws, regulations and rules and policy plots on the governance of medical devices in China. (2) Understanding the development of medical devices regulatory system in China. (3) Exploring the regulatory responsibility of medical devices and penalize illegal behavior in China.
    Content analysis methodology was conducted for this overview, this writings evaluated regulations of medical devices and administrative institution. Quality system regulations were also investigated by the comparative analysis along with China, European Union, Japan, Taiwan, R.O.C. and the United States.
    Results reveal that the regulations of medical devices are belong to administrative statute level, the supervision of meical devices is divided to pre-market review and post-market surveillance. Pre-market review contains (a) inspection management, (b) registered management, (c) production management, (d) manuals, labeling and packaging management and (e) advertisement management. Post-market surveillance embodies (f) the application of medical devices management, (g) medical devices advertising management, (h) medical devices import and export management, (i) medical devices monitoring and management of adverse events, (j) medical devices recall management, (k) supervision and inspection of medical dvices together with (l) medical devices regulations and administrative penalties, and other regulations.
    The findings were summarized as the following statements, the essentials on the latest revised regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices in China in 2014 are (1) risk based classification, (2) market notification and approval, (3) products sales tracking, (4) supervisory functions strength and (5) distinct legislative liability.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻
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