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    Title: 奎因翻譯的不確定說及其相關問題
    Quine`s Indeterminacy of Translation and the Relative Questions
    Authors: 林從一
    Lin, Chung I
    Contributors: 方萬全
    Fang, Wan Chuan
    Lin, Chung I
    Keywords: 奎因;翻譯的不確定說;整體論;第一人稱
    Quine;Indeterminacy of Translation;Holism;First Person
    Date: 1993
    Issue Date: 2016-04-29 16:41:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 奎因 (W. V. Quine)的「翻譯的不確定說」(indeterminacy of tran-
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    (103) Zabluadowski, Andrzej “On Quine’s Indeterminacy Doc-trine”, The Philosophy Review, Vol. XCVIII. No.1, (1989): 35-63.

    (1) 方萬全,(第一人稱語翻譯的不確定說),此文於1992年在香港發表,今於香港中文大學付印中
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004131
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