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    Title: 後冷戰時期聯合國安全理事維持和平功能之研究—以波斯灣戰爭為例
    The Study on UN Security Council`s Function of Maintaining Peace and Security in the Post Cold War Era ── the Case in Persian Gulf War
    Authors: 戴妙如
    Tai, Miao ju
    Contributors: 周煦
    Chou, David S.
    Tai, Miao ju
    Keywords: 締造和平
    collective security
    Concert of Great powers
    Peace-Keeping Opration
    Date: 1993
    Issue Date: 2016-04-29 16:36:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   和平與安全是人類衷心想望的目標。在國際關係理論中,集體安全是
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004041
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    Appears in Collections:[Department of Diplomacy] Theses

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