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    Title: 故宮博物院的科技化服務創新-子計畫二:故宮文物數位典藏行動雲端應用技術之研究
    Other Titles: Research of Mobile and Cloud Technologies for National Palace Museum Digital Library
    Authors: 連耀南;蔡子傑;張宏慶
    Contributors: 資訊科學系
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2016-04-20 17:00:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 故宮典藏中華數千年的文化瑰寶,現階段已經完成大部分數位化的工作,並已透過網路科技輻射全世界,與世界其他文明並駕齊驅,讓世人可以很方便的欣賞故宮瑰寶。但無可否認的,歐美世界藉由先進的科技,強勢推展西方文明而凌駕於其他文明之上。在未來的數年當中,雲端科技與行動通訊科技將進一步提升數位資訊的輻射能力,使得人人可隨時隨地藉由隨身的資訊設備,例如智慧型手機或平板電腦暢遊資訊的海洋。各個文明之間的競爭將因資訊科技的進步而更形激烈。 華夏文明在此波資訊科技行動化的浪潮中,更不可缺席,以免愧對締造輝煌文明的華夏先祖。故宮擁有華夏文明中最精華的瑰寶,自然責無旁貸,應儘速行動化。 此外,近年所上市的平板電腦與智慧型手機提供了一種嶄新的使用者介面,結合了網路科技,讓使用者更方便的探索知識的海洋。猶如古騰堡的印刷術加速了知識的傳播,整合與創新,此一波新的介面型態更開啟了一個新的知識傳播整合創造之機制。故宮所典藏的華夏文明瑰寶應即時把握時機藉由此種新的介面機制輻射於全人類。 猶如四庫全書將浩瀚的中華典籍去蕪存菁系統性的整合成一部中華文化的百科全書,讓天下學子更有效率的汲取知識,本計畫的最終目標是要在行動計算的技術上探索出一套知識整合機制,讓世人更方便的深層探索故宮所典藏的數位寶藏,進而發揚數千年所累積的中華文化底蘊,而非僅止於走馬觀花式的文物欣賞。 行動資訊設備在互動能力、螢幕大小、使用方式、通訊頻寬、穩定度等諸多問題上有其先天的優勢與限制,現有網站呈現方式並不適合於行動資訊設備。此外,若故宮網站的服務量大幅成長時,故宮的資訊設備與網路頻寬勢必無法快速的擴展,導致服務品質的下滑,而雲端服務科技將是解決此問題的合適方案。本計畫將探討故宮數位典藏文物雲端化與行動化的各項技術問題,並提出相應的解決方案。
    Almost all countries are undergoing national projects to digitalize and archive their historical documents. Digitalizing museum archives becomes an important national project worldwide. National Palace Museum (NPM), which preserves the most important Chinese treasure, has been digitalized their archive for many years and has become one of the most popular digital museums in the world. As communication and network technologies advanced, the life style of people in the whole world has been changed radically once again into the world of mobilization. The population of mobile computing devices has way above the population of desktop PC users. It is time for digital museums to support mobile users to extend their culture radiation power. There are many constraints, physical and environmental, associated with tiny mobile devices that hinders the applicability of current digital museum to mobile devices. For instances, small screen size, limited bandwidth, lack of keyboard and mouse, etc. On the other hand, mobile devices may have some advantages over desktop PCs, such as multi-touch screen. Current web applications doesn`t take these advantages to make mobile users easier in accessing digital museums. This project is to investigate the technical issues of mobilizing digital archive of national Palace Museum as well as to develop some solution technologies. The project is aimed to improve the use efficiency of mobile users, in other words, to make it easier to use. Some of the developed technologies will be applicable to other digital museums.
    Relation: 計畫編號 NSC 101-2420-H004-006-MY3
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系] 國科會研究計畫

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