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    Title: 帝俄時代俄國戲劇發展與社會階層轉變關係之探討
    Authors: 賴玉琪
    Contributors: 王兆徽
    Keywords: 俄國
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-04-18 16:34:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文主要是在探討帝俄時代俄國戲劇發展與階層轉變之間的關係。在研究方法上,乃以歷史研究途徑為主要研究方法。本文的架構是以歷史發生的事件、階層角色的轉變為時間順序與研究主軸,結合戲劇功能、主題、流派、與劇作中探討的階層角色來分析彼此之間的相互影響。
    This dissertation focuses on the relationship between the development of Russian drama and the change of social class. The methodology for this thesis is based on the Historical Approach. According to Russian historical and political events and the change of social class role, we find that the functions, topics, and schools of the Russian drama and the class roles in dramas are quite different.
    Reference: 壹?中文部分
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