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    Title: 墨梭超文本小說《勝利花園》中遊牧敘述與複調競衡研究
    A Study of the Nomadic Narrative and Polyphonic Politics in Stuart Moulthrop`s Hyperfiction Victory Garden
    Authors: 陳徵蔚
    Charles Chen, Zheng-Wei
    Contributors: 林茂松
    Lin, Mao-Sung
    Charles Chen, Zheng-Wei
    Keywords: 超文本
    Deleuze, Gille
    Bakhtin, M. M.
    polyphonic novel
    Mouthrop, Stuart
    Victory Garden
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-04-18 16:20:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人類書寫歷史,可視為文本不斷細小分割重組的過程,這種斷裂與重組的現象,及至超文本應用後臻至高峰。「超文本」並非單純將書寫媒介由紙張移植至螢幕,而是利用電腦「斷裂」、「交錯連結」、「非線」、「多向」等特質,營造與印刷技術截然不同的文本。它提供文本無比的可塑性,更具體實現了解構理論對「文本」的各種假設。
    The history of human writing is a continual process of decomposition and re-permutation, and the process reached its climax after the application of hypertextual technology in the late twentieth century. Hypertext is not the simple transplantation of text from page to screen but an innovative technology which is fragmentary, interconnected, nonlinear and multidirectional. It provides an environment of incomparable textual malleability and further fulfills many deconstructive hypotheses about text.
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