Reference: | Public Documents
IMCO Doc CONF., General Committee, May 7, 1954.
IMCO Doc CONF/2 (1962).
IMCO Doc 1962 CONF/C.1/SR.7; C.2/SR.2; C.2/SR.9.
IMCO Doc CONF/C.2/8 (1962).
IMCO Doc CONF/C.2/SR.4 (1962).
IMCO Doc CONF/C.2/3, C.2/7, C.2/SR.8 (1962).
IMCO Doc OP III/SP.1 (1967).
IMCO Doc C/ES.III/3Add.4 (1967).
IMCO Doc OP III/4 (1967).
IMCO Doc OP III/WP.1 (1967).
IMCO Doc C/ES. III/3 (1967).
IMCO Doc C/ES.III/3/Add.4 (1967).
IMCO Doc C/ES. III/3 (1967).
IMCO Doc C/WD.III/5 (1967).
IMCO Doc LEG/WG(I).III/WP.15 (1968).
IMCO Doc LEG/WG(I).I/2 (1968).
IMCO Doc LEG/WG(I).I/WP.11(1968).
IMCO Doc C/WD.III/5 (1968) pp.5-9.
IMCO Doc C/WD.III/5 (1968).
IMCO Doc A/ES.VI/Res. 147 and 154 (1969).
IMOC Res. A/176 (VI), October, 1969.
IMCO Doc LEG/CON/C.1/1(1969).
IMCO Doc LEG/CON/C.1/1(1969).
IMCO Doc C XXVI/4/Add.1 (1971).
IMCO Doc Committee II, Official Records (1969).
IMCO Doc MSC XXIV/31/Add. 1 (1971).
IMCO Doc MP/CON/INF.14 – 14/1-7 (1971).
IMCO Doc A.VII/Res. 237, 2 November, 1971.
IMCO Doc MSC XXII/SR.4 (1971).
IMCO Doc A VII/SR.9 (1971).
IMCO Doc A VII/WP (1971).
IMCO Doc A VII/9/1 (1971).
IMCO Doc A VII/WP.20 (1971).
IMCO Doc A VII/SR.9 (1971).
IMCO Doc MP/XIV/8.I; XIV/8/12 Dec. 1972.
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/8 (1973).
IMCO Doc CONF/C.1/MP.14, 17, 20, 21 and 24 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/WP.16(1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/WP.26 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/C.1/WP.47 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/C1.WP.26 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/ 8 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/C.1WP.25 and WP 34 (1973).
IMOC Doc MP/CONF/4/23 August 1973.
IMCO Doc MEPC VI/6/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MEPC VII/5/1 (1973).
IMCO Doc IMP/CONF/8/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP XIII/3(c) /5 (1973).
IMCO Doc PCMP/2/5 and 2/9 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/15/8 and 15/9 (1973).
IMCO Doc MEPC VI/6/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MEPC VII/5/1 (1973).
IMCO Doc IMP/CONF/8/4 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP XIII/3(c) /5 (1973).
IMCO Doc PCMP/2/5 and 2/9 (1973).
IMCO Doc MP/CONF/15/8 and 15/9 (1973).
IMCO Doc TSPP I/9,II/2and III/8 (1978).
IMCO Doc MSC/EMPC/WP.11 (1978).
IMCO Doc TSPP II/2 and III/3/1(1978).
IMCO Doc Resolution A.500 (XII), 20 Nov. 1981.
IMCO Doc LEG48/6, MAR. 1982.
IMCO Doc LEG49/8, Nov. 1982.
IMCO Doc LEG48/6, MAR. 1982.
IMCO Doc LEG49/8, Nov. 1982.
IMCO Doc LEG50/8, MAR. 1983.
IMCO Doc LEG/CONF 6/INF 3 (1983-4).
IMO News 4 (1984).
IMO News 2, (1993).
OECD, Recommandations C(72) 128 (1972).
U.N. General Assembly, 13th Session, Resolution 1307, December 10, 1958.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 2340 (XXII), December 18, 1967.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 2467 (XXIII), December 21, 1968.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 2574 (XXIV), December 15, 1969.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 2749 (XXV), December 17, 1970.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 2750 (XXV), December 17, 1970.
U.N. General Assembly, Resolution 3067 (XXVIII), November 16, 1973.
UN Doc A/CONF.62/62 (1978), para. II (5), X Off. Rec.
UN Doc A/CONF.62/88 (1979), XII Off. Rec.
UN Doc A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev.3 (1980).
UN Doc A/CONF.62/WP.8/Rev/Part III (RSNT, 1976), article 30, V Off. Rec. 173, 178 (Chairman, Third Committee); Third Committee, 38th meeting (1978), para. 62, IX Off. Rec. 162.
U.S. Public Law 92-340, July 10, 1972.
U.S. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 6 (May 25, 1970).
1. Abecassis, David William, The Law and Practice Relating to Oil Pollution from Ships (London, England: Butterworth & Co (Publisher) Ltd, 1978);
2. Birnie, Patrcia W. and Alan E. Boyle, International Law and the Environment (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1992);
3. Buzan, Barry, Seabed Politics (New York: Praeger, 1976);
4. Cowan, E., Oil and Water: The Torrey Canyon Disaster (New York: Lippincott, 1968);
5. Dupuy, Rene-Jean and Daniel Vignes, Volume Editors, A Handbook on the New Law of the Sea (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991);
6. Hohmann, Harald, Basic Documents of International Environment Law, Vol. 2, ed., (London: Graham & Trotman Limited, 1992);
7. Jennings, Robert and Arthur Watts, Oppenhein’s International Law, Vol. 1, 9th ed., Introduction and Part 1 (Harlow, Essex, England: Longmans Ground UK Limited);
8. M’Gonigle, R. Michael and Mark W. Zacher, Pollution, Politics, and International Law (London; University of California Press Ltd., 1979);
9. Mitchell, Ronald Bruce, International Oil Pollution at Sea Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance (Cambridge, Massachusetts: the MIT Press, 1994);
10. Morell,James B., The Law of the Sea: A Historical Analysis of the 1982 Treaty and Its Rejection by the United States (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 1992);
11. Nordquist, Myron H. Editor-in-Chief; Shabtai Rosenne and Alexander Yankov, Volume Editors; Neal R. Grandy, Assistant Editor, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 a Commentary, Vol. IV, Arts. 192 to 278, Final Act, Annex VI (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991);
12. Nandan, Satya N. and Shabtai Rosenne, Volume Editors; Neal R. Grandy, Assistant Editor, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 a Commentary, Vol. II, Arts. 1 to 85, Annexes I and II, Final Act, Annex II (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993);
13. Nordquist, Myron H., Editor-in-Chief, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 a Commentary, Vol, I (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985);
14. Pritchard, Sonia Zaide, Oil Pollution Control (New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall/or London: Croom Helm, 1987).Singh, Nagendra, International Maritime Law Conventions (British Shipping Laws), Vol. 3, (London: Stevens & Sons Limited, 1983);
15. Sands, Philippe, Richard Tarasofsky and Mary Weiss (edit.), Principles of International Environmental Law: Documents in International Environmental Law (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994);
16. Timagenis, Gregorios J., International Control of Marine Pollution, Vol. I, (Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1980).
1. Barnaby, Frank, “The Environmental Impact of the Gulf War”, Ecologist 21 (July August 1991);
2. Bishop, Rachael, “Rescuing Oily Birds: Oil Spills Kill Thousands of Seabirds, but Some Survive—with a Lot of Help,” Atlantic 265,5 (May 1990);
3. Canby, Thomas Y. and Steve McCurry, “After Storm,” National Geographic 180,2 (August 1991);
4. Clarke, Lee, “Oil-spill Fantasies”, Atlantic 266,5 (November 1990);
5. Hoshire, Jim, and Merritt Clifton, “Sea of the Troubles: Are We Deep-sixing the Oceans?” The Animals’ Agenda 10, 5 (June 1990);
6. Hodgson, Bryan, “Alaska’s Big Spill: Can the Wilderness Heal?”, National Geographic 177 (January 1990);
7. Jacobsen, Douglas A. and James D. Yellen, “Oil Pollution: The 1984 London Protocol and the AMOCO CADIZ,” Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol. 15, No. 4, Oct. 1984;
8. Keeton, G.W., “The Lessons of the Torrey Canyon,” Current Legal Problems (1968);
9. Kenney, John, “Grave waters,” National parks 63 (July-August 1989). |