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Title: | 黃哲倫三劇中文化認同的轉變 The Change of Cultural Identity in Three Plays by David Henry Hwang |
Authors: | 盛業瑋 Sheng, Yueh-Wei |
Contributors: | 姜翠芬 Jiang, Tsui-Fen 盛業瑋 Sheng, Yueh-Wei |
Keywords: | 黃哲倫 文化認同 David Henry Hwang Cultural Identity |
Date: | 2001 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-15 15:58:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論文主要探討黃哲倫在《剛下船的新移民》、《如鴉而飛》、及《尋找唐人街》這三個劇作中,處理「文化認同」主題的轉變。這三個劇作分別代表黃哲倫創作生涯的三階段,即初期─華裔美國文化認同、中期─華裔美人漂泊離散的文化認同、以及晚近─華裔美國文化認同的多元文化未來。同時,將援引德希達的「主體觀」、傅柯的「對抗記憶」、霍爾的「文化認同」概念、哈伯馬斯的「包含他者」、以及學者對多元文化的討論等,並應用於文本之分析與探討。本論文共分為五個章節。第一章略述黃哲倫的三個劇作以及所採用的理論。第二章討論作者如何在《剛下船的新移民》中剖析華裔美國文化認同。第三章探討《如鴉而飛》中老一輩華裔美人漂泊離散的文化認同狀態。第四章側重於作者在《尋找唐人街》□所勾勒出的多元文化未來之希望與遠景。最後一章則回顧前述四章中的劇作及理論,並總結黃哲倫在三個作品中對於「認同」看法的轉變及其詮釋。 In this study of David Henry Hwang`s three plays FOB, As The Crow Flies, and Trying to Find Chinatown, I would like to explore the change of his attitude toward identity issue. These three plays represent the three stages of his writing career:first, the early stage of Chinese American identity; second, the maturing stage of the traveling cultural identity for Chinese American; third, the latest stage of a multicultural future for Chinese American identity. In my study, I apply several theories for the theoretic approach in this thesis, such as Jacque Derrida`s "subject," Michael Foucault`s "counter-memory," Stuart Hall`s concept of identity, Jurgen Habermas`s "inclusion of the Other," and Michael Omi`s and Angela Davis`s multicultural viewpoints toward ethnicity. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter aims at a general introduction to the three stages of the playwright`s career and to the theories employed for textual analysis. The second chapter is the discussion on the work of his early stage-Chinese American identity in FOB. In the third chapter, I will analyze the traveling identity for early Chinese American in As The Crow Flies. In the fourth chapter, I will stress Hwang`s latest production of a promising multicultural future for Chinese American identity in Trying to Find Chinatown. Finally in my concluding chapter, I would like to review the changes of Hwang`s concepts in these three plays with regard to cultural identity and offer his own interpretation for new and hopeful Chinese American identity. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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