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Title: | 自願性參與計畫的執行研究: 林務局社區林業計畫個案分析 A Case Study on Policy Implementation of Voluntary Approach for Community Forestry,Taiwan Forestry Bureau |
Authors: | 張耀仁 Chang, Yao Jen |
Contributors: | 施能傑 Shih, Neng Chieh 張耀仁 Chang, Yao Jen |
Keywords: | 社區林業 政策執行 社會行銷 政策工具 自願性參與 Community Forestry Policy Implementation Social Marketing Policy tools Voluntary approach |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-01 10:43:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 行政院農業委員會林務局的社區林業(Community Forestry)計畫自2002年開始推動,希望藉全國社區的參與來實踐生物多樣性保育與永續發展等目標,並藉此化解林業機關與原鄉社區存在的緊張關係,讓地方能與林業機關共同分擔森林資源的經營發展和維護管理,並透過社區總體營造的方式以自願性的參與拉近政府與民眾間的距離。然而,過去的政策執行大都以「管制」或「法規限制」等手段以非自願性參與方式實踐政策目標,民眾或地方社區在政策執行上較缺乏自主與參與性。因此,本研究以社會行銷及政策類型與工具等相關理論整理政策執行的自願性參與途徑(Voluntary Approach),以社區林業計畫為例蒐集實證資料,分析該政策執行特點為何。 本文採質性研究方式針對初步建構的自願性參與架構進行分析,以個案訪談及文獻歸納方式進行資料整理蒐集,結論針對自願性參與執行架構下的社區林業計畫提出研究發現與建議,發現執行過程中政府與社區間的溝通協調、政府和社區應具備的資源、技術與能力、雙方對政策目標的認知及意向及兩者間的權責、法律關係、社區組織與地方派系的互動等因素,都會影響到執行。因此,未來當政府要推行類似自願性參與型態的政策時,應先釐清政府與參與者的權責規範,在符合參與及審核的基礎門檻下,給予參與者適當的教育訓練授能(empowerment)後,逐漸提升參與誘因,實踐政策所欲完成的目標。 Community Forestry of Taiwan Forestry Bureau ,which has been carried out since 2002,aims to achieve biodiversity and sustainable development ,through community participation to reduce the tension between the forestry authorities and aboriginal communities, and to encourage local forestry authorities to share forest resources with locals .Through community building of sharing forest resources,it hopes to bring local forestry authorities and people closer.However, most of the implementation of past policies adopted non-voluntary approach policy tools,such as "control" or "regulatory restrictions" to attain policy goals without the participation of the locals.Therefore, this study takes social marketing;policy tools and policy types to organize voluntary approach for Community Forestry by empirical research. Qualitative research methods are adopted in this study to analyze the organization of voluntary approach through case studies and literature review.The meaning of findings and suggestions of this study of voluntary approach for Community Forestry are put forward.It is found that communication;resources;skills and capacities;the cognition policy goals, and the intention between the government and the community are factors which impact participation.Besides, rights and obligations;lawful;interactive community organizations,and local factions in Community Forestry are also main factors in this study.Theresore it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities and obligations of the government and the participants in voluntary approach policies in the future and giving participants the appropriate education and training increasing incentives to reach the policy goals. |
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