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    Title: 首次從學校轉渡至工作者的生活適應
    Life Adaptation of the job-searcher transferred from school to work
    Authors: 曾儀芬
    Contributors: 林顯宗
    Keywords: 從青年轉型為成年
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-03-31 16:44:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 個體的生涯決定受到社會價值之型塑甚鉅,聯考制度將學生分發至不同類組、學校、和科系就讀,更影響其日後的就業選擇與適應,故擬進行本研究。本研究的目的在於:
    3.青年轉換到工作者角色之後,他們都服膺社會規範期許自己要成熟獨立,認為未成年是需要脫離的狀態,但不論真正的成熟是否已經呈現,或用何種方式呈現,Scheer & Palkovitz(1994)表示他們都將有較為成熟和負責的行為。獨立是必須的,但成熟沒有時間表,「從學生轉渡為工作者」的事件可說是發展過程中的有力觸媒。
    The career decision of an individual is deeply shaped by the social value. The National Entrance Examination classifies students to different group, school, and major, which even will influence their further occupation choice and adjustment. The purposes in the present essay are the following :
    1. To investigate whether students are influenced by their parents’ wishes and the society’s values while choosing a major. And that effect their field and quality of work decision too.
    2. To comprehend, and to understand the life arrangement and adjustment of the youth transferred from school to work in three years.
    3. Through analyzing the “ in-depth interview “, to testify the topic.
    The present study was qualitative in nature, which emphasize practicing the” uncertainty “ of the action research, pay much attention to the clients main body and self-conversation. While reading the materials, the readers have put themselves into a new point of view, and produce new creation.
    The study was consisted of 15 subjects with their own career story. Including of different education degree, school, major, occupation, working period, and life pattern.9 females, 6 males.
    Study procedures contained : Inviting subjects to be the volunteers of the study, then conduct the interviewing guiding principles. The research is also the interviewer. Recording each interview, and wrote it down word by word according to the tape. The researcher analyzed the information after the subjects corrected the written materials.
    There were several findings as following:
    1. Distributed the interviewees into four types by satisfaction of job and involvement of job. Type1: full of enthusiasm and ambition. Type 2: desire for the addictive value better. Type 3: deeply powerless to alter. Type 4: There isn’t any other choice.
    2. The leading force for most interviewees to shape their career was based on the pragmatic principle which was consistent to the social value. Such as: job opportunity, job security, and pay. Other factors were : weather the job required a lot of physical, mental strength, and pressure. Seldom of them can break the social values, committing to their ideal career.
    3. While the youth turn their social role to a formal worker, they expect themselves be independent and mature. The event ” being a formal worker “ is a powerful vehicle of one’s character development.
    4. Most of the youth transferring to work feel it’s nature to live with their parents together, except those who move to a big city and earn their living. Some of them feel a single person can be a complete family, and they cherish the period they can live along. And others think of a home is a composition of family, and they admire to live with their parents until marriage. No matter out of which opinion, young people show filial obedience with different expression.
    5. Living along without parents make young people face a new situation. They have the opportunity to learn conducting life errands by themselves, balancing the interpersonal relationship, and getting along with oneself.
    6. Newly being a worker in a office, many young people must pay a lot of time learning working skills. It leads to giving up time exercising. Many interviewees spend their leisure time relaxing, rather than develop or maintain their interests.
    7. Many interviewees feel when they being a formal worker, their parents will respect them for independent. They can self-dominant in many aspects. The tension between parents and children become more alleviate. Many of them can admit imperfect relationship between parents and children do exist.
    8. As for the ideas on love affair, all interviewees think of successful love will lead to marriage. But some of them feel marriage is very necessary, they can’t satisfy their life stage without marriage. The others emphasize the process of personal growth more. They accept to live a single life when not meeting a soul partner.
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