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Title: | 台灣和韓國半導體產業比較研究:以「社會資本」觀點論 |
Authors: | 陳宗文 Chen, Tzung-Wen |
Contributors: | 陳小紅 Chen, Hsiao-Hung 陳宗文 Chen, Tzung-Wen |
Keywords: | 半導體產業 社會資本 發展社會學 新興工業國家 科技產業 semiconductor industry social capital |
Date: | 2000 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-31 16:43:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以台灣和韓國的半導體產業為例,探討新興工業國家科技產業組織之形成與發展。在有系統地整理過相關文獻之後,本研究採取「社會資本」的概念進行分析。此一概念得將發展與組織社會學之不同觀點作適當的連結。唯在科技產業的發展過程中,存在著相互交錯的不同競爭場域,而各場域內有特定的資本形式,均得作為生產之投入,足以影響組織之形貌。本研究基於對新興工業國家之經濟社會發展與產業技術成長之不同階段所作之觀察,認為分屬於社會場域與技術場域的三種「社會資本」形式,對於產業組織之形成與發展具有重要的影響效果。
透過對台灣和韓國半導體產業發展的實證分析,本研究發現,第一類社會資本在建構產業基礎,迅速提昇技術能力上,具有相當之功效;第二類社會資本具有輔助性,其形成與投入是延續產業組織生命之必要條件;第三類社會資本則是進一步提升組織績效,使組織得以接續全球化發展,繼而進入核心位置。 The dissertation studies the development of high-tech industry in newly-industrialized countries (NICs), and particularly, the development of semiconductor industry in Taiwan and Korea. The development of high-tech industry is considered as results of competition between various fields (champs), in each of which specific capitals are provided as input for industrial production. We define therefore three forms of “social capitals” in two separated fields, social field and technology field, respectively, as tools of analysis. The dynamics of these social capitals is supposed to be critical in the development of semiconductor industry.
Following the analysis framework of social capitals, the research is empirically carried out by analysis of secondary materials about the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and Korea. In the social field, we found that the techno-bureaucracy and industrial clusters played sequentially significant roles in the development of semiconductor industry in Taiwan, whereas the chaebol economy, which was once the initial condition, dominates all the time in the development of semiconductor industry in Korea. Both Taiwanese and Korean semiconductor firms, however, developed into a rational organizational form recently. Therefore, in the expanding technology field, rational networks between these firms and other leading companies in the world have been established.
It has been shown in the dissertation that a social capital of the first form has perfect functions in transgressing a technological barrier and for establishing a developmental foundation; a social capital of the second form has a supportive function, which provides sustaining resources for an organization; and a social capital of the third form enforces the competitiveness of an organization, thus promoting the organization to the global stage, and becoming a core player of the industry in the world. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 85254007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001851 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 學位論文
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